Y/n's First Visit (Pt.2)

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Warning: Swear word

Once Y/n met all of the others (including Splinter- which he/she/they were not expecting to be a rat-) Raph led her/him/them to her room. *If you're not sure why I said "her", please read the chapter before.* But before she let Y/n in, she said she had to "take care of something" in her room. After about 3 minutes of waiting, he/she/they got bored and peeked in. This is what Y/n saw: Raph stuffing a hell ton of plushies, squishmellows, stuffed bears/animals in the corner of her room.

Y/n softly giggled and then went back to waiting, he/she/they didn't want Raph to get embarrassed so he/she/they just kept quiet about it. A few minutes later, Raph let Y/n in.

🔴: "So, welcome to my room Y/n!" Raph lightly smiled at Y/n while leading her/him/them into her room.

⚪: "Thanks Raph, you did a good job decorating the place!"

🔴: "Your welcome, and thank you! Mikey was the one to recommend the lights-"

In Raph's room, she had string lights/fairy lights that hung all around her room.

⚪: "I can see why they did, it makes the room so much more expressive!"

🔴: "Ya really think so?"

⚪: "Totally!"

He/She/They smiled warmly and brightly at Raph, causing her to blush lightly but her green skin and her bandana covered it.

🔴: Why'd I just blush? All he/she/they did was smile at me... weird...

After that, Y/n and Raph shared all of their personal interests with each other.

From Raph had shared Y/n learned she liked gaming, Jupiter Jim and Lou Jistsu movies, sparring with her siblings, teddy bears, squishmellows, and stuffed animals! *Y/n's personal interests are whatever your personal interests are*

Y/n checked the time, it was twelve and he/she/they got there at 9 am.

⚪: "Holy shit- I've been here for three hours-"

🔴: "It's been that long?!"

⚪: "Apparently- I think I have to go though, I have other plans with a friend."

🔴: "All right, do you think you need help getting to the sewer exit?"

⚪: "I think I'll be okay, but thanks Raph!"

🔴: "No problem! See ya later!"

Raph waved bye as he/she/they exited Raph's room.

⚪: "See ya!"

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