The Aftermath

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🔵: "Hey hermana~ how was your date?"

🔴: "It was amazing-"

Raph was swooning so hard over the date, but everyone expected that, everyone knew how head-over-heels Raph was for Y/n.

🟣: "Seems like it..."

🟠: "'re swooning~"

Raph got embarrassed and looked away blushing.

🔴: "Be quiet!"

🔵: "Yeah, yeah..."

🟣+🟠: "...we'll lay off you for now~"

The other three started quietly chuckling and giggling, they loved teasing Raph any chance they got.

🔴: "I'm going to my room for the night- I'll see you guys in the morning-"

🟣+🔵+🟠: "Night Raph!"

Once Raph got into her room she changed into a big t-shirt and some sweatpants and laid down.

🔴: Wow, I can't believe today was me and Y/n's first date... that's something crossed off my bucket list.

She chuckled to herself.

🔴: I can't wait for our next one...

She felt her eyes getting heavy, and she knew it was time to get some sleep. After a few minutes, she was out... And cuddling the bear her wonderful strawberry got her.

The One in Red❤️ {2018 Raph x Y/n | Story & Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now