~Story Info~

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Hello! Welcome to "Eclipsed Hearts" a story that follows three of my ocs. 

Now. This first, this very first chapter, is all information about this story. What you can expect, what to note, and what to be aware about. I am very excited to actually write this story as I love these ocs and I love writing stories with them so we can have some fun with this! I will be changing the cover once I make a better one but when that'll be, I don't know. 


This story will involve humans and elves along with human v elves conflicts. The plot may or may not be generic, I will try my best to make it not generic. There will be LGBTQIA+ characters and overall, this will be fantasy/not fantasy. Additionally, this book will include some heavy topics, such as abuse, mental health issues such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and self harm. It will also include the use of alcohol. However they will all be occasional/rare and the main focus of the story won't be on these topics, but more on everything else. All of this is what I basically said in the description and my post. However we have more to discuss. :D


Humans and elves can't stand each other, stemming from their ancestors, so humans hate elves while the elves just want to make peace. Elves are treated like burdens while humans are treated like royalty or great people. Elves find controversy everywhere they go. 

In schools, elves are kept away from the human students, yet the elves are forced to wear cuffs around their wrists and ankles to show their lower status in society compared to the humans. The cuffs are also a reference to their past, a cruel connection made by the humans to humiliate and degrade elves who are students. 

Additionally, in the school environment, this prevents the elven students from trying to run away if/when the human students decide to hurt or bully them. This also comes into play with teachers who give out punishments to elven students, often involving restraining the elven students and letting the human students do whatever harm to them in a large shed at the back of the school. Humans believe this will help them (elves) learn their place in society and accept the fact that humans are the superior species, and that they were the lesser species. 

There are few elves that have made it to high society with the humans, yet they still face the controversy brought with being elves, so they work tirelessly to make everyone equal. These elves try to get laws passed that will prevent this type of humiliation or degradation, however it's not that easy to get rid of it, as people don't want too accept this change and the laws are so strict to the point its unthinkable to change the way this is. However they have made a few things possible, such as keeping schools, mainly elementary schools, junior highs, high schools, and colleges, from failing students of elven heritage and keeping them from graduating or advancing to the next level. Unfortunately, since they aren't checking to see if the schools have failed students or not, schools have found ways of failing students. 

Human and elven relationships? friendships? looked down upon, seen as disgusting and disgraceful among the humans. It's hard to find good work, good pay, so many elves are left picking up several jobs to keep their lives upright. Humans find good jobs and good pay easily. 


1. When elves and humans first met, things were fine. Until the humans discovered that the elves had access to certain area, had better land, and things they couldn't ever imagine. their greed led them to wage war on the elves in order to claim their land, their riches (natural riches or like, minerals trees, environment, that kind of riches), their lives...

2. When they finished, claiming everything the elves owned, they enslaved them, allowing them to live amongst the humans, but not to have their own personal lives.

3. At some point, elves were no longer enslaved, however they were seen as the dirt of the earth, as burdens, as trash, not seen as people on their own accords

4. humans were influenced by their ancestors, their history books, and everyone telling them that the elves weren't people, but things that could be used and disposed of. (THIS CAN BE TAKEN IN MULTIPLE WAYS BUT I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT IN THAT WAY)

5. Elves were influenced by their ancestors, their history books, everyone telling them that they just wanted freedom, that they just wanted to be equal. that they just wanted peace with the humans.


1. Humans treat elves like servants, like scum, like trash, like they're punching bags, elves aren't considered people and it's obvious.

2. Humans have passed laws that stopped elves from voting, that prevents elves from actually having rights.

3. Elves are often targeted for robberies or are often jumped and robbed at the same time when they walk around the cities or streets.

4. Elves have poor work and pay and it's difficult to find pay as an elf. most elves, upon getting a job, sometimes to stick with it for the rest of their lives or get jobs at elf only job opportunities to get more pay and support themselves and their family. very few brave elves start their own businesses. 

~More Info~

Like I said, at some point in time they were no longer enslaved so at some point in time they revolted, yet the elves didn't have anywhere to go, so, they made a sort of deal with the humans. let them regain part of their land and they'll leave the humans alone. humans "agreed". the humans end up lying about their side of the deal and basically force the elves into working for them from their small part of land by having them provide different materials, as well and having them mine so they wouldn't have to mine themselves, since they discovered that the land the elves regained had minerals and irons or something along the lines of that that was worth a lot so they had them go into the mines and retrieve it for them. At some point, before everything, yes. Only elves were pretty much allowed on the land they owned. however, after their land was stolen from them, it changed. The small land they made the deal with the humans to reclaim was iffy and the humans worded it so that the elves didn't actually own the land and that the humans did, the elves were only living on it. therefore the humans were allowed on elven land and the elves couldn't stop them.

~Fun Fact~

Elf ears are very, very sensitive. AND when touched certain ways or in different areas, produce different reactions. If roughly grabbed or handled, the elf feels excruciating pain from their ear, which is by far one of the most sensitive parts of their body. On the other hand, if touched delicately or carefully or softly, it can give a mixture of feelings. Either arousal (but only in cases where the person touching the ears intends it, which is normally clear based on how they touch the ear. You can also tell if the elf suddenly turns red, starts fidgeting, or suddenly falls silent if they were talking) or it can cause relaxation. Certain parts of their ears are incredibly sensitive as well. However the elf's face can also turn bright red from it. Either due to embarrassment or being flustered. The back of their ear, when either massaged or gently rubbed, can allow them to fall into a resting state. Like help them fall asleep. They are also very flexible and can move to the elves emotions. Normally straight up, they can lower when the elf is feeling sad/stressed and completely flatten against their head if they're angry/sad. Those are only examples so you can get the idea.


Hopefully this makes sense and give you a sort of idea of the different social statuses between elves and humans. I'm aware of how generic this sounds, however I hope my writing makes up for it haha...

Updates may be slow bc I'm in school


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