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Tyreese was just starring down looks almost zoned out while The group we're now discussing the terminus group making a plan for attack

Rick : they think they're in control . We're in here and they could be anywhere. But we know exactly where they are.

Abraham: plans got stones I'll give you that

Glenn: make our move before they do.

Rick: that's right... they're not counting on us thinking straight.

Rostia: are we? I'm just making sure it's a big play.

Rick walks up : remember what these people are capable of.

Izuku nods he's head he checks he's mask and puts it on ready for the attack

Rick: Tyreese

Tyreese: yeah?

Rick : you up for this ?

Sasha leaves Gabriel office: I'm going with you.

Tyreese: you should stay with Bob.

Sasha: no, I want to be out there. I want to be part of this.

Tyreese goes to talk to her while the group gets ready izuku walks up to Mika

Izuku: listen you stay with Carl he's going to need you're help to protect Judith Tonight okay!

Mika: I will izuku I promise

Izuku smiles: your so brave Mika I promise I'll be back soon

He hugs her and leaves with the group to search for the terminus members leaving Carl, Mika, rostia,Gabriel, Tyreese and Eugene once they get far from the church izuku stops while the rest of the group kept moving forward he couldn't help but shake this feeling he turns around he realized danger sense was going off there not at the school there at the church izuku runs Rick turns to see izuku running back towards the church

(Meanwhile at the church )
So there's really no point in hiding anymore.

The terminus people spread out

Gareth: we've been watching you we know who's here. There's Bob, unless you've put him out of his misery already. And Eugene rostia Martin's good friend Tyreese.... Carl Mika... Judith.

Rick the others and your demon walked out with a lot of your guns . Listen, we don't know where you all are, but this isn't a big place. So let's just stop this now before things get more painful than they need to be.

He motions two and two on different doors him and Martin in the middle

Gareth: look , you're behind one of these two doors and we have more than enough firepower to take down both. Can't imagine that's what you all want.

Martin cock he's gun Gareth moves around

Gareth: how about the priest? Father,you help us wrap this up, we'll let you walk away from this. Just open the door and you can can take the baby with you.. what you say?!

Then Judith started crying Mika was trying to hush her but was too late Gareth smirks

Gareth: I don't know maybe we'll keep the starting to like this girl.

Albert and the long hair man pointed there guns at the door Gareth was back at the middle spot

Gareth: it's your last chance right now tell us you're coming out.

Martin: are we done?

Gareth: sigh we'll hit the hinges.

But just then the long hair man got shot in head so did Albert by silenced gunshot Gareth and Martin turn around to see

DEKU IZUKU MIDORYA IN (The walking dead)Where stories live. Discover now