izuku still in he's vigilante ark he finds suspicious villains building something he fights them but the machine started up to open a portal izuku gets sucked in but the portal make two Izuku one stays in MHA the other transport into TWD world izuk...
Izuku over the months has gotten to know the group a little better how they made their prison home what they had to face
Rick grimes was in coma had to kill he's best friend Shane fight some guy named governor & gave sanctuary to he's people I really admire him
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Carl Rick son who had to put he's mom down I kinda see him like ERI when I'm around him I always try to put smile on his face he looks cool with that cowboy hat he says he likes comics so I try to look for some when I got out scavenging.
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Daryl was kinda skeptical of me but I think he started to trust me told me stories about he's brother merle we go on some runs together he thought me how to track and Hunt he's really cool and is respect among the group
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Glenn told me he used to be pizza delivery guy he's like the brother I never had really cool funny definitely picks up the group spirit he's really cool guy
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