Wicked Delight

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Consciousness comes in fits and spurts of clarity. There is a moment where you're asleep but aware. With this awareness, you can discern and feel the potent darkness webbing across your subconscious. You've seen it before, the myriad of inky tendrils that zig-zag through the light like fissures over a dried river bed. It scares you but also fills you with intrigue so rich it nearly eclipses the fear.

You know that if you could just hang on to that in-between space, the feeling of teetering on the edge of a knife, you could examine the darkness further and figure out what it is and where it comes from. But your body has other plans, sucking you away from your inspection and pushing you toward uneasy wakefulness.

Shifting under the blankets, a crinkling noise draws your eyes open to land on a rumple of white paper lying beside you on the empty side of the bed. With fumbling fingers, you grab the ripped leaf of creamy parchment and turn it so you can see the blue scrawl of words.

Got some darkness to take care of.
Can't wait to see you tonight.

Don't forget; 11 pm sharp, beginning of the corn maze.


There is no name signed to the note, just an X, but you know who left it, regardless. You roll over, holding the thin paper above you so you can see the faded, faint print under his ink. A smile tugs at your lips when you realize it's a corner ripped from Kinder und Hausmärchen, one of Yoongi's favorite books. He has an original first edition that he's let you moon over a few times. The first time you found a note and saw what it was written on, you nearly crawled out of your skin to berate him for ruining such a prize. He gently chided you for your reaction and assured you it was just a copy, scanned and printed for the whimsy of it.

Looking closer, you see the corner is from a page of the Cat and Mouse in Partnership tale. Your smile fades, turning into a mild frown as an odd feeling ghosts beneath your skin, eliciting goosebumps to pop up along your arms. Sighing, you shake your head and pull the blanket up high under your chin, chalking the sensation up to being cold. Your eyes rove around the room, taking in the early morning light filtering in through your thin curtains, showing you just enough of the inside of your room to be comfortable with not having a light on.

Finally deciding there's no point in dallying in bed further, you toss back the covers and brace yourself against the chill in your room. Only, it's not as cold as you were anticipating. Opening the small drawer on your nightstand to deposit the message in with the dozens of others Yoongi has left you over the years, you can help but smile. They're sweet, little pieces of him that affirm to you why it's okay he disappears the way he does. The reminder comforts you, especially on this day.

Halloween has never been your favorite. Well, that's not true, exactly. You do like Halloween—just the modern and more mainstream version with candy, pumpkins, and warm, spiced drinks. Fall colors are also something you enjoy. The cooler air is nice. You're partial to cozy sweaters and boots, too.

All in all, you enjoy this time of the year. You just don't necessarily like the darker parts, the scarier parts. Haunted houses and scary movies are things you could do without unless it's under very specific circumstances. Such as having Yoongi there. Which is the only reason you've agreed to meet him at the festival tonight. You haven't been since you were a teen and got so scared by the fright actors that you swore never to return.

Except, now, you are returning. It's been on the tip of your tongue for the last week to cancel on Yoongi, feigning a head or stomach ache. But, the sheer excitement in his gaze when you agreed, has been enough to make you bite your tongue every time a protest bubbles up. You can—and will—do this.

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