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'Ms.Dove!' I heard one of the men call out my name. 'Leave me alone' I said trying not to choke on the tears. I could hardly hear myself. Not now. The last thing i needed was to be disturbed. Couldnt i have a minute to myself? Was that too much to ask for?

'Ms. If you dont open this door the easy way,we'll hate to do it the hard way'. Screw that! I didnt care anymore. Carolina's gone. Nothing else mattered. Its the freaking middle of the night. Someone cant sleep in peace? Not like i could sleep anyway. Everytime i closed my eyes, i'd see Carolina lying there helpless and i couldnt do anything to help. It was all my fault. I should have done something.

I heard the doorknob turn. 'You're coming with us'. I looked up from my soaked pillow. Three men dressed in black suits were standing at the door. 'What for?' I said trying to get up. 'You're coming with us. No questions asked.' One of the guys replied. Were they taking us somewhere? I had no idea. It didnt have to be this late at night. I wasnt even dressed. I was in my lilo and stitch pajamas. Why did i have to listen to them? 'No'. I said firmly.
'Dont make me use force' one of the men said,taking a step forward.

'Where's Marcelo? I want to speak to him'. I got no response. The two men that were still at the door moved aside,probably signalling for me to get out.  I got up hesitantly. I couldnt help but give one of those men a death stare as i walked out. I was led out of the room, through hallways.

'Why are we going out this way?' Where are you taking me?' . Something was off. We were going out using one of the emergency exists. 'Where's everyone else?' Everything was silent. Our footsteps were the loudest thing in a distance. Suddenly my instinct was telling me to run. I didnt think. I turned back and started running as fast as i could.  I didnt know where i was going or how i was going to get out.The only thing running in my head was to run for my life.

'Going somewhere, miss?' One of the other men stepped infront of me,blocking me. I tried to get past him but he grabbed me by my arm. I tried my best to get out of his grip,but he was too strong. I looked back. The men i was running from were now on my trail.

At that moment, all I could do was scream. "MOM!" "CHRIS!" "Help me, please!" I called out desperately. "MARCELO!" Suddenly, a cloth was forced into my mouth, silencing my cries, and I was lifted over someone's shoulder. I fought back, kicking their chest and punching their back with all my strength. Eventually, they set me down in the parking lot, but their grip remained tight. My eyes scanned the scene, and I saw three black SUVs lined up with four men standing nearby.

'Hey, whats going on here'. It was my brother Chris. 'Chris, help me. Get mom' Tears were streaming down my eyes. I tried running towards him but two men came and held me back. Another pair was now holding chris back too. 'What are you doing to her. Let her go!'. He tried fighting them off but they held him down. 'Leave him alone' I cried out. I knew it was useless but i couldnt do anything else.

I felt my body being dragged off the floor once again. "Let her go. The boss said not to hurt her," a familiar voice pleaded. The grip on me loosened, and I recognized the voice as Marcelo's.
Confusion and anger filled my voice as I asked, "Why are you doing this to me? I thought you had our backs." Marcelo's voice trembled with regret as he replied, "I'm sorry, Miss. These orders came from above, and I wish I wasn't involved. But trust me, everything is in your best interest."
Frustration and resentment surged through me as I retorted, "My best interest? Tell your boss that I despise him. He's the worst thing that could've happened to my life. Fine, if you care so much, at least let me have a word with my family. Well, what's left of it."

Marcelo's tone turned stern as he responded, "I'm afraid not. Your mother is nowhere to be seen, and it's preferable for you not to speak to anyone."

'Please' i said almost in a whisper. My eyes were all puffed up.
He signaled for them to let me go. I ran up to Chris and hugged him.
  'Listen to me, everything will be fine. I'll find away to get us out. I promise'. He said tenderly drying the tears from my cheeks.
'I dont know where they're taking you, or why dad's doing this, but i promise no matter what,i'll find you. He pulled me in for a hug and slipped something into my pajama pockets. 'I love you Char, take care.' With that he gave me one last peck on my cheek.

As I was led away in the SUV, my heart raced with uncertainty. I glanced back, catching one last glimpse of Chris, my only source of comfort in this chaotic situation. The tears welled up in my eyes again, but I held onto his promise. I clutched onto the mysterious object he had slipped into my pajama pocket, finding solace in knowing that he was thinking of me. With determination in my voice, I whispered, "I won't give up, Chris. I'll find a way to escape this and reunite with you. I love you too."

The SUV offered no comfort as I was flanked by two men. Exhausted, I questioned the necessity. Marcelo replied, "No room for surprises." I retorted, "Do you really think I'll try to escape?" He responded, "We can't take any chances." Frustration mounting, I demanded to know our destination. "For now, just get some rest," he said, handing me a wrapped blanket. I shot him a look that silently conveyed my disbelief. Sensing my thoughts, he turned back and assured me, "Trust me, you'll need it."

I wrapped the blanket around myself, feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity. The SUV continued on its path, the city lights flickering past the windows. I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead, what awaited me at the end of this mysterious journey. The silence in the car was suffocating, broken only by the faint sound of the engine. Thoughts raced through my mind, questions swirling like a whirlwind.  Why was I being taken against my will? And most importantly, how would I find a way to escape this unexpected predicament?

As I huddled in the backseat, the blanket providing a small semblance of comfort, I couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped. The dimly lit streets outside mirrored the uncertainty that filled my thoughts. Who were these men, and what did they want from me? The air inside the car grew heavier with each passing minute, the tension palpable. I glanced at Marcelo, his stern expression revealing nothing. My mind raced with questions, my heart pounding in my chest. How could I escape this confinement? I needed to find a way to outsmart them, to regain control of my own destiny. Determination ignited within me, fueling my desire to break free from this unexpected ordeal. I vowed to uncover the truth, no matter the risks. The road ahead was uncertain, but I was ready to face whatever lay in store..

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