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"Brett." I sighed, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me. It seemed like my hopes of finding my prince charming were dashed. And to make matters worse, the refreshing air I had sought outside suddenly vanished. "Oh well," I muttered to myself, returning to my uninspired artwork.

"Uggghh. Today was just awful!" I groaned, flopping face-first onto my bed, causing my backpack to thump onto the floor. Harvard, engrossed in her novel, looked up with a grin. "What happened?" she asked, setting the book aside.

"What happened is that I feel completely lost in this school. It feels like it's a hundred square miles!" I exclaimed, exaggerating my exhaustion.

"That's the worst part? You haven't even experienced the truly bad days yet. But don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. I'll show you around one of these days," Harvard reassured me.

"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling my eyelids growing heavy.

"Hey, don't fall asleep or you'll be late for dinner," Harvard warned.

"Sure," I replied, my voice filled with drowsiness.

It was dinner time and Harvard and i were making our way to our side of the dining. We grabbed our food trays and sat down. Harvard was telling me something about the book she was reading when i felt a pair of hands over my eyes. "Hayden seriously? Cant you give us a break?". Harvard said practically ruining the surprise. Even though my eyes were covered,i could totally feel her rolling her eyes.

Removing his hands ftom my eyes, "hey hayden. What are you doing here." I said smiling. Harvard on the other hand felt oppositely displeased to see her brother. 'Yeah. What are you doing here? She asked arms folded across her chest.

'Just thought i'd come over and say hi to these two pretty ladies. Oh hi little sis.' He said pinching her cheeks. 'And i was kinda bored over there,so i was wondering if you'd like to join me.'..'the both of you' he added realising Harvard's cross face.

'No, we're good. But do tell Eric and Brandon i said hello' i said being as nice as i could.
'What she means to say is that we're not interested.' Harvard said, a little..not nicely.

'Jeez. Its fine if you're not. But Charlotte,i insist.'

"No,for real,i think it'd be better if i stayed with Harvard.'
"C'mon,i'm sure she doesnt mind right?" He said shooting puppy eyes at her.

"Whatever." Harvard said after taking a heavy sigh. I kinda felt bad that i was ditching her for her brother.

"Awesome." Before i could say anything, Hayden grabbed my hand,food tray in another and practically dragged me to the table.

"Oh hey Charlotte." Brandon greeted as i took my seat. "Hey".  I found everyone in the middle of a debate. I had no idea what was happening. " "Hey, Brandon! What's the debate all about?"

Brandon grinned and greeted me warmly. " We're discussing Bridgerton. Hayden here thinks the second season is way better than the first. Can you believe it?"

I chuckled and shrugged. "Honestly, I can't say. I haven't watched either season."

"What? Everyone's watched Bridgerton!" Brandon exclaimed, clearly surprised. "Doesn't it stream in... wait, where is it that you're from? Alaska? Atlanta?"

I grinned mischievously. "Australia, actually."

Brandon's eyes widened. "Right! Well, that doesn't mean you can't watch it over here. Hayden's got both the seasons downloaded right from Netflix."

"I thought you can't have gadgets here."

Hayden chimed in, a playful smirk on his face. "Rules were meant to be broken, right? And besides, there's nothing in the rules that says ...."

Before we could continue our banter, a sudden silence fell upon the table. I looked up from my food, following everyone's gaze to the other side of the table, opposite mine. And there he was, the chiseled face, the eyes. It can't be.

"Rapha, Charlotte," Hayden introduced, his voice slightly strained. "Charlotte, Rapha."

I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as Rapha's intense gaze locked onto me. It felt as if he was scrutinizing my every move, as if I were being investigated for a crime I didn't commit.

Yeah,remember those mesmerizing eyes that shone at me earlier today? It was extremely unbelievable that they were his. Thry turned cold and silent,mysterious and all that.

Everyone kept silent,ptobably waiting for him to say something but all he said was 'okay'.

I dont know if i was just in a loop of exaggeration but the rest of the dinner i kept on receiving unwelcoming stares from Rapha. I guess my presence was very unneeded.

Could it get any worse? Of course it could. None other than Brett joined the table. She gave me a death stare, from top to bottom. 'What's she doing here?". She glared in an unpleasant tone, as usual.
"Looks like everybody's got the pleasure of meeting the new girl, except I ,ofcourse." Rapha said,still staring. "When did you join anyways?"

"Two days ago." Hayden answered in my place. Rapha chuckled in response. The whole table was silent,giving him this whole dominating vibe.

"I feel extremely uncomfortable. I shouldnt have agreed to come." I whispered to Hayden.
"I'm sorry. He's just in a bad mood."

I took a sigh and continued with my tray of food. Brandon continued with the debate on Bridgerton and i pretended to take part because i didnt want to feel left out.

Dinner was... well, let's just say it wasn't the best, to put it mildly. I headed back to the Grand Chateau, only to realize that I didn't have my room key. It must have been left behind in the dining room. Harvard and Brett were still there, so I reluctantly went back to retrace my steps.

As I approached the table I was sitting at, I noticed Hayden and Rapha engaged in a conversation. Not wanting to interrupt, I unintentionally ended up eavesdropping from a distance.

"I understand that you like that girl, but let's stick to the rules, man," Rapha said.

"Why? Does her presence bother you or something?" Hayden asked defensively.

"No, it's not that. I just don't like her," Rapha replied plainly.

'Ouch.' My heart skipped a beat,and not in the nice way. First a girlfriend,then this. It most certainly wasn'tmy day. In a stealthy attempt to tip toe back, i hit a pile of metallic trays that fell with a loud clattering sound. So much for being quiet.

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