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"What?" I raised an eyebrow, skeptical of the story unfolding. "Yeah, those guys have been at it since you arrived. "
"Oh, come on, like what, 72 hours ago?" I quipped, trying to make sense of the drama.

Just then, a voice cut in, "Silence, Myers!" It was the history teacher, putting an end to the gossip. "Where was I... oh yeah, he was smitten... that time in the dormitory," he continued with a sheepish grin, leaning towards me. I had to stifle a laugh; he did look kind of cute. "Are you talking about yourself?" I teased.

"Well, if I were Rapha, I'd definitely choose you over Brett," he flirted, flashing a smile. It caught me off guard, but it oddly made me happy, even though all I wanted was to catch some sleep.

"But seriously," he continued, his tone shifting, "last night when Rapha returned to the dorm, we asked him why he broke up with Brett. He gave a bunch of strange reasons, including you." His expression turned serious, head slightly tilted.

"He mentioned me?" I was surprised; he must have a good memory. Despite his earlier glares and apparent dislike, now I found myself unintentionally involved in a breakup I had no interest in.

"He described you."
"As what?"

"Myers! One more word and you and your friend will be out," the history teacher's interruption brought an abrupt end to the conversation. The room fell into silence after that.

My head dropped to the table after I lazily took a bite of the sandwich I had for breakfast. The outdoor cafeteria offered an intricate view, adding to the eloquence of this place. The picturesque setting was so well-planned; you'd almost believe this was high school paradise. I sat with a few friends I'd made, including Eric, who was enthusiastically discussing Call of Duty. None of the girls he was talking to seemed particularly interested, but his smile seemed to captivate them even more. His accent alone was charming enough to listen to. I can't blame them; whatever he's selling, I'll buy it.

Hey," a voice murmured softly as I felt a gentle hand stroke my hair. Weary, I lifted my head to meet Hayden's gaze. He looked radiant, like everyone else did. I, however, felt like the exception. Though I hadn't glimpsed into a mirror, I was convinced I looked as worn out as I felt. I managed a faint smile in greeting to Hayden, who stood behind me. My gaze inadvertently drifted to the table far behind us, where Rapha sat, never seeming to wear a tie. Our eyes briefly met for 0.4 seconds. He definitely hadn't been staring... right? Quickly, I averted my gaze back to Hayden.

"You look great, by the way," I said.

"Thanks." The bell signaling the end of breakfast rang. I had math class next. With a heavy sigh, I stood up, bid farewell to my friends with a salute, and began walking toward one of the classroom blocks. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes sneakily. Already familiar with them, I knew instantly who it was and turned around.

"Don't you have classes or something?"

"I have a free period, I'm bored, and I'd like to show you something," he said, tugging my hand towards him.

"Well, I don't have a free period, and I'm going to be late."

"C'mon. I know you don't want to study."

"Will it take long?"

"No, I promise," he said, pulling me towards him. We began walking away from the building, heading towards a serene landscape that resembled a ranch. Wooden fences stretched along the horizon, enclosing lush pastures dotted with contented horses. The breeze carried the earthy scent of freshly cut grass, and the golden sunlight danced across the rolling hills, casting enchanting shadows. It was a tranquil oasis amid the bustling school grounds.

"So, what are we doing here?" I said curiosity beaming as the wind swayed my hair while he leaned on the fence.

"To show you something."

"The fence's gate is locked though. I really don't think we should be here."

"Really?" He smirked at me and in the blink of an eye jumped over the wooden fence. "C'mon." He said signalling me to do the same.

"No way, it'll tear my skirt." I refuted that idea.

"It won't. Trust the process. Just jump."

"Well then, i'll graze my skin."

"Charlotte." He pouted.

Cute. But i stood my ground. "No."


"Fine. But look away just in case my skirt rides." As I gazed ahead, a sense of daring seized me.  With a bold leap, I shed my shoes, delicately positioning my right leg upon a horizontal wooden segment of the fence. No intention to damage my Italian suedes, I mirrored the maneuver with my other leg, descending to the earth below with a soft, graceful thud.

"See? Not so daunting after all," he remarked with a grin.

"Indeed," I replied dryly. "Remind me why we came here?"

"I'm giving you a tour," he explained, his pace quickening as he darted ahead, forcing me to pursue him. Eventually, we found ourselves amidst the stables, redolent of hay yet adorned with magnificent horses. Methodically, he led me through each enclosure, unveiling the majestic inhabitants one by one, each bearing names reminiscent of a bygone era. Lady Danbury, Charlotte – the nomenclature betrayed a penchant for Bridgerton, a show I had yet to indulge in. Nevertheless, Eric had taken it upon himself to enlighten me with the intricate details of its narrative, rendering me virtually versed in its unfolding drama.

Amidst all of them,one mare captured his affection: Jupiter, a celestial exception among them. Apparently, her namesake stemmed from his fascination with planets, kindled during a school project that blossomed into a devoted bond. I found the tale endearing, a stark contrast to the solitary pet I once owned, mercilessly dispatched by one of my father's guards for a single misstep.

Guiding Jupiter from her stall, he led her to the open expanse outside, skillfully guiding her through fluid maneuvers. I watched, a smile gracing my lips as I beheld the harmonious spectacle. Yes, forsaking a  math lesson for this  was unquestionably worthwhile.

"Are you proficient in riding?" he queried,obviously not forgetting to portray his british accent,slowing his mount as he drew alongside.

"Not in the least," I confessed.

"Allow me to rectify that," he offered gallantly. Descending from Jupiter's back, he assisted me in mounting her, my fingers grazing her silken mane tenderly. He joined me in the saddle, positioning himself behind me. "Let me guide you," he murmured, his proximity eliciting a flutter of anticipation beneath my skin.

"Okay, that was lovely," I murmured as we settled onto the soft grass.

"Yeah, we should do this again sometime," he replied with a smile, inching his face nearer to mine.

"Hayden," I uttered, almost a whisper. He instinctively drew back, comprehending the unspoken sentiment.

"There's a party tonight. Would you like to come? my date?"

Heyyyyy.....interested in another character's POV?....Let me know.😗

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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