Saturn (S~L)

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TW: -
I would also be very happy if you would take a minute to read the a/n at the end. Have fun!

Narration POV:
"Alright, class, I want you all to think of a song for you. A song that describes the love and beauty in your eyes. It can be the love you feel for someone or something. It's your decision. And if you're okay with it, I would like to start with the songs tomorrow. Anyone who wants to be first?" Mr. shuester spoke in front of the club. A song that describes love and beauty for them? That was easy, y/n already had the perfect song in mind!

Y/n quickly raised her hand as the only person, which everyone noticed. "Yes y/n?", "I already have a song in mind and could play it tomorrow if that's okay?" she explained, feeling Santana slightly squezze her hand in hers. Nodding satisfied shuester let everyone go into the break.

At the end of the day, Santana and y/n walked through the corridor with their pinkys linked. The two of them made their way outside and got into Santanas car, as she was driving her girlfriend home, "So?" the latina started, making y/n looked at her confused. She looked over at her for a second before focusing on the road again. "What's the song you wanna perform tomorrow?"

"That's a surprise." the slightly younger girl grinned, receiving a huff from the girl beside her, "Come one, babe, I wanna knowww" she pouted with her eyes still on the road, but y/n wouldn't tell. "You will find out tomorrow, tana," y/n laughed as they entered her driveway. Opening her car door and grabbing her bag, y/n got out of the car, walking over to Santanas side. "Drive safe, babe. I love you." she kissed santana goodbye, who assured her she would be safe and loved her too.

At home, y/n started learning the chords for the piano and the lyrics. Even tho she knew this song from beginning to end, she wanted to be on the safe side. She practiced the whole evening on the piano her parents put in their basement for her and her music. At around 9:30 in the evening, y/n decided that it was enough and went to take a shower and go to sleep.






"Good morning, class." shuester greeted his students, walking into the choir room. "Y/n, are you ready?" the man asked y/n who nodded but spoke up, "I am, but could we go to the auditorium? I think there is a much better acoustic." she reasoned, making her teacher nod in approval. "Yes, of course, let's go glee club." he clapped his hands together, and everyone rose up from their seats.

In the auditorium, they were met with two guys from the band already sitting on the stage with each a cello leaning on their front. Everyone got seated somewhere in the first few rows while santana gave her girlfriend a quick kiss before y/n walked on stage. Sitting down at the piano that was placed somewhere in the middle of the stage, y/n was able to see everyone.

"Whenever you're ready, y/n." Mr. Shuester nodded at the girl. Y/n took a deep breath and nodded for one of the cello guys to start.

And what was heard then was a beautiful and slow melody as the first boy, whose name was brandon, started to play his cello. At some point, Brandon closed his eyes as he let the cello do the work. His movements were slow and delicate, making everyone in the room look at him with enchantment.

The moment Santana heard this melody, she knew what song it was. How could she not know? It was her girlfriends favorite song, the song that calmed her girl and helped her soul to relax. Santana grew to love this song too. It started helping her too. She felt nothing but peace when she was laying in bed with y/n, and this song was playing.

But what song was Santana thinking about? It was no other song than Saturn by Sleeping At Last.

Not long after Brandon started playing the cello, his fellow guy started playing too and while Brandon was playing long and slow, deep chords, the guy named josh started playing some shorter and higher ones in the back. Both melted together with so much harmony as the glee club was listening to them with anticipation and adoration.

After about a minute into the song, y/n started playing the piano chords. Her hands moved over the keys, slow and gentle, as she was one with the song. For a short moment, Brandon stopped playing the cello as it was josh's turn to play his chords in the back while y/n played the piano.

"Is she gonna sing now or what?" Noah Puckerman asked two minutes into the song, receiving being elbowed by the latina. "Shut up!" she whisper yelled as the rest was so mesmerized by what their ears were witnessing.

A few moments have gone by, now all three students are playing together.

Two and a half minutes into the song, all three instruments became quiet, y/n stopping to play the piano for a moment as now the lyrics started. The room was now being filled with y/ns slow and angelic voice singing from her heart and soul.

You taught me the courage of
stars before you left
How light carries on endlessly
even after death
With shortness of breath, you
explained the infinite

Singing the song that never failed to touch her soul made y/n feel content. Closing her eyes, she felt nothing but peace as she continued to sing,

How rare and beautiful
is it to even exist
I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen

Seeing her girlfriend on stage singing the song that makes them both feel so safe made Santana proud. That y/n was ready to share her safe song with the others was truly beautiful and santana couldn't be more proud.

I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes

Singing that part y/n looked over to her girlfriend, who looked so touched and proud at the same time.

I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again
I tried to write it down
but I could never find a pen
I'd give anything to hear
you say it one more time
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes

With this part of the song being over, the instruments started to become more quiet with each second as now it was only brandon left, slowly playing his long and deep chords.

With shortness of breath,
I'll explain
the infinite

Y/n slowly sang the part as she felt herself getting more emotional. But she wasn't the only one to notice this, Santana did too, hear the waver in her girlfriends breaking voice.

How rare, and beautiful
it truly is
that we exist

She sang as she played the very last chords of the song before all the instruments fell quiet.

It was a moment of silence as everyone took in the song before they erupted into applause and cheered. Feeling a tear slip down her face, Santana was quick to wipe it away before she shot up from her seat and ran on stage, throwing her arms around her girlfriend as she hugged her tight.

"You did so freaking good!" santana praised, receiving a squeeze in return as thanks. Pulling away, Santana placed a long and gentle kiss on her girlfriends forehead. Her lips still lingered as both girl had their eyes closed, feeling the moment.

"I'm so proud of you baby!"

TW: short mention of sh

Hey friends, I just wanted to share this with you, this song really does touch my soul and I just love it so much. Another thing I wanted to share with you is how proud I am right now, I just saw that I'm almost five months clean from sh!! I know it's not that much, but for me it is, I've been fighting so long for this and thought I would never make it...I just wanted to share this moment with you because I've grown to like you all very much! It makes me happy that you like my stories so much, that you like my first book with the oneshots of marvelwomen so much. Writing has also become a source for me to escape reality and feel content so I wanted to thank you all as well as share this for me special moment with you!! I hope you liked this chapter. Stay safe, friends<3
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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