great just great

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When i woke up i saw daelo asleep on me so i cuddled into him- WAIT WHYS DAELO HERE
"daelo how come you are here" i pick him up and put him on my lap
"ella finally your awake , your mums going on a buisness trip for 3 months so your staying with us so we came to get you everyone is downstairs" he happily replies
"oh okay, i've missed your cute little face,mumps" i tickle him
i stand up with her in my arms and walk downstairs to see everyone ngl it's a bit awkward i made out with javon last night and blurted out my secret to jaden great.
"ella i need to tell you something" he whispers
"okay one sec" i whisper back
"guys i'll be right back i need to talk to my fav walton" i smirk
i run away with him in my arms into my living room.
"what's up mumps" i smile
"every night can you stay up and play fortnight with me" he does a baby face
"how can i resist that face ugh fineee" i whine
"yay" he shouts
i pick him back up and put him on my shoulders and he starts laughing and i run around the whole house till we both start dying of laughter. That's when i realised the whole family where just staring at me and daelo
"what?" i ask
they all look down at my wrists and i do then i realise you can see my self harm
"oh god, i swear it's not what it looks like" i try tell them
"what's wrong ella" daelo says worried
"nothing evrything is fine" i hug him and give him to jess and i don't know what to do so i just run to my room and close my door and sit against it so no one can get in i change into some long sleeved clothes

 That's when i realised the whole family where just staring at me and daelo "what?" i ask they all look down at my wrists and i do then i realise you can see my self harm "oh god, i swear it's not what it looks like" i try tell them "what's wrong ...

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i decided i'm going to go downstairs and act like nothing happened and i packed my bag and went downstairs
"are we ready to go then" i smile
"uhm sure" dj says
we all jump in the car and daelo is on my lap and he whispers in my ear
"i like your outfit ella" he smiles
"thankyou daelo i like yours to" i laugh while jaden and javon and jayla just stare at me the whole journey there.
when we arrive there i was about to walk to daelo room cuz i promised him but jaden,javon and jayla start pulling me away from him
"get off" i shout
but they dragg me and put me on the bed , i just go in the corner and go on my phone
"why'd u do it" they all say
i ignore them
"ella, look at me" jayla says
i look at her with tears in my eyes
before i take any of there sympathy i grab my airpods and walk out and go to the park. and sit there for a bit. But that's when i saw
MILO omfg
"milo it's me ella remeber" i ask
"omds ella" he hugs me
"how are you" i ask and we just catch up
"who are u dating" i ask smiling
"oh i'm secret dating someone so i can't tell u the name but it begins with an A" he smiles
It's ava for definite
"uhm i gtg bye milo cya around" i walk away
(time skip) u arrive at the walton's
"oh ella your just in time for dinner"jess says smiling
i smile back
"ella you can tell me anything you know that" she says
"i know" i just keep smiling
"can you get the kids for dinner" she asks
"yes ofc" i walk away
i run upstairs to daelo room
"guess who returned, the one and only ella" i shout
"ELLA YAY" daelo screams
"dinners ready let's go get ur brothers and sister" i smile
we knock on the door on jaylas room and there all there
"uhm dinners ready" i say picking up daelo and running away and sitting down at the table putting him next to me.
Jayla sat next to me and all the kids were just staring at me , i felt so pressured and i didn't want to eat because i haven't eaten in two weeks . i ate a little bit and said i'm full and needed the toilet.
i went to the bathroom and threw up and flushed the toilet.
what will ella do tell them all why she does it or not.

love triangle (javon and jaden walton)xxWhere stories live. Discover now