happy or sad?

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i just cry in the bathroom all day when kylee walks in and hugs me
"it's okay girl" she says
"it's not i'm an awful perosn" i sob
"jayla told me evrything but i still love u okay u just have mixed feelings" she smiles
we get up and sort out my makeup and go to class
"glad you decided to show up ella" she smiles
"mhm" i walk to my desk
                              (time skip)
there was a party tonight and i was obvs going but i needed to get my stuff so i went to the walton house and got my stuff and left and got ready and wore the same dress as before
when i arrive i just see jayla glaring at me so i go to the drinks and get my usual drink but i didn't want to get drunk so i didn't have much.
"ella" jaden says
"yh" i look at him
"you should pick javon i acc like someone else and i'm in a happy relationship" he smiles
"u sure" i smile
"yup" he walks away
i go to find javon and i look everywhere till i see him kissing a girl in a bedroom i mean i fuckinh deserve it but i just started crying and went to find jaden and went to his house
"he doesn't want me" i sob
"what" he looks at me
"he was kissing another girl" i say falling asleep on the floor 
i wake up and go straight to javons room
"it was you it always was u i always loved you from the start" i say
he just looks at me then kisses me
"so u like me too i'm guessing" i giggle
"fuck yes" he smiles
"are we togther then" i smile
"if u want to be" he hugs me
"ofc i do" i huh him back
"can you talk to jayla for me" i look down
"yes i'll do it now" he walks out
10 mins later jayla walks in and smiles
"i'm sorry" i run up and hug her
"i forgive u i guess where equal now" she laugh
we all chill in his room
          and that's the end xxx

love triangle (javon and jaden walton)xxWhere stories live. Discover now