Chapter 32

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Adrian wisely stayed away from their dorm, even though he could feel his mark flair up hotly.

With Darius flustered and annoyed at the pair, Levi had jokingly guided the raptor back to their house and had playfully given Darius a slap on the ass. Joking that the man should wash up and take care of himself in the shower.

A grin slipped on Adrian's face, as he still clearly remembered Levi's shocked expression when the man was yanked in the room, the door slammed into the lock a split second later with a barely muffled protest from Levi.

The young raptor knew he couldn't handle another round so despite his mark roaring to life with pleasure, Adrian had sprinted down the hallway and ran back outside.

Because he knew that if he stayed there, caught the slightest whiff of their pheromones, his Rut would take over and make him join.

Now he faced the issue of feeling exactly what they had put Darius through. His face flushed with the emotions and sensations echoing through his mark, making Adrian stumble several times on his feet.

He finally made it to Fiona's clinic and the eagle widened her eyes when Adrian stumbled inside. Pushing out of her seat when the door accidentally slammed against the wall while Adrian slouched over, clutching his knees with shaking hands.

"Suppressors, please." Adrian gritted through his teeth, removing the tension from Fiona's frame as she chuckled and shook her head.

She easily found the vial, filling a syringe as she murmured, "The joy of newly mated couples. Unable to give one another a proper rest yet their bodies are begging for a breather."

Adrian snorted, presenting his arm gratefully for the injection. "Did you have to flee in order to get a breather?" Fiona teased, squawking out a laugh as Adrian couldn't quite deny the claim.

"Not...really. Levi and I had mated while Darius had a meeting and now Darius..." Adrian motioned with his hand, not really knowing how to finish his sentence.

Amusement lightened the eagle's scent as she pursed her lips, biting back a laugh. "I see. I'm sure Levi doesn't mind his noble sacrifice. For now at least."

Grins spread on both their faces as Adrian hummed, not even noticing the slight jab from the injection. "It should work pretty quickly, I increased the dosage slightly as the last one had no effect."

A wave of appreciation swept through Adrian as he could feel tensed up muscles slowly relax under the influence of the suppressors.

It allowed him to lean back in his chair with a sigh of relief, rubbing a hand over his face. Even though his mark was still flaring up, alerting him to Darius' and Levi's activities, he wasn't overwhelmed with them.

"Not for now, at least." Adrian thought, feeling a sharp spike through the mark and smirked. Realizing Darius must've remarked Levi at that moment.

And judging from the way the sensations kept jolting through his body, Darius was nowhere near done with Levi. It was almost amazing how Levi had the stamina to keep going but remembering how his mate had begged him to make it hurt so sweetly...

He might've pushed Darius on purpose to get what he wants.

If that were the case, his mates would be preoccupied for a bit, making Adrian look at Fiona. "Thank you." He breathed with heartfelt gratitude, knowing that he would've become a flustered, twitching mess if not for the suppressants.

"Don't mention it darling, just doing my job." Fiona said as she went about removing the sharp needle and properly disposed of it. "Not to mention that your mating is actually giving me some interesting research data to use."

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