Chapter 9

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It wasn't an easy task to frustrate Adrian to the point where he'd rather pluck out his hairs, one by one. And yet, listening to this teacher, which Charles had explained is a person who helps you learn new things, made Adrian wanting to do just that.

It wasn't the teacher perse, more the fact that these ridiculous tasks seemed stupid and completely useless to Adrian.

At the moment, Sabrina was asking him to vocalize, to mimic the sound and tone of her own voice. It was an attempt to get his vocal cords used to an unfamiliar movement.

Adrian had a very vague memory of his parents in human form, how they spoke in a language he nor his siblings didn't quite understand.

They hadn't stuck around long enough for them to truly learn it either, nor were they in human form often. The only thing Adrian had learned from them, was everything he knew of his animal... and his name.

"I think it's best if we stop our practice for today." Sabrina smiled warmly, brown eyes wandering over Adrian as she smiled. "I don't want to push you too much and you've made great progress today!"

Adrian snorted dismissively. Progress? He had felt awkward all day forcing himself to mimic her movements with her lips and tongue, to make odd sounds for absolutely no reason.

Inhaling, he caught another whiff of pheromones that indicated prey, eyes flitting to Sabrina with slight curiosity. He could smell she was a bird but had never encountered one like her before.

Charles hummed thoughtfully, rubbing a finger over his lips as he glanced between them. "How long do you think he'll need?"

Sabrina chuckled, the sound melodical and bell-like. "it all depends on him but it's not like my human patients. Shifters can fall back on their animal language and haven't lost any neurological connection that prevents the use of language."

She smiled warmly, eyes squinting  with carefree happiness. "It's remarkable really, how these Feral children evolve with bounds and leaps. With how intelligent this boy behaves, I have no qualms in stating it'll take him at the very most a few weeks."

While he couldn't speak their language, Adrian understood them and the compliment she gave him. He mimicked her smile, tilting his head in gratitude before scratching at his throat distractedly.

Using his vocal cords so much had irritated his throat to the point where it was dry and terribly scratchy. Yawning, he pushed himself off of the desk before pausing as Sabrina motioned him back down.

"Before we stop, I'd like to try and establish your name, if you don't mind." Her mousy brown hair fell over her shoulder as she cocked her head with a grin, "I doubt you like being referred to as 'boy' or 'feral' ever other moment."

Adrian sucked his teeth in annoyance before letting out an agreeing snort. He had a feeling that Willem would have no qualms calling him kid every moment they encountered one another.

"Let's see, I'll go through the alphabet and you can nod or shake your head if that is the correct letter. And then we'll continue until we have all corresponding letters of your name." Sabrina grinned before proceeding to do just that.

It took a bit of time but soon Adrian held a sliver of paper that, according to Sabrina, had the written version of his name.

"Nice to meet you Adrian." She grinned, leading them to the doorway of her classroom, giving him some room to move past her. "I hope to see you again for another session, preferably within a day or two."

Charles nodded at that, flanking Adrian as the boy was already looking out the windows to a group of carnivores exercising. "I'll make sure to let the rest of the staff know, Sabrina. Thank you for your excellent aid."

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