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Teagan's pov:

*The day after the arrest- Tuesday Morning*

"Aunt Lena!" I yell as I run downstairs.

"What is it, baby?" She asks when I walk into the kitchen where she's making pizza.

Yummy! My favorite!



"Has Auntie Beks called yet?"

"I'm sorry, but she hasn't."

"What? But she hasn't called me in like four days now!" I say as I hold up my fingers.

"I don't know, Teagan. Maybe she got busy," Aunt Lena says as she continues cooking.

"No! She promised to call me everyday no matter what!" I shout before running to find my mom.

"MAMA!" I yell as I run through the house.

I eventually find her outside in the garden; Auntie Beks' favorite place.

"Mommy! Has Auntie Beks called?"

She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"No, Sweets. I'm sorry," she pulls me into a big hug, but I pull away, and run inside, going back upstairs to my room.

She promised to call me! She told me she would always call me no matter what! She hasn't called me in four days now.

"Aunt Lena!" I yell as I run back downstairs.

"What's up?" She asks as she cuts the pizza and gives me a plate, while getting into the fridge to grab the ranch.

"Can I have your phone real quick please?" I ask before taking a bite, but spitting it back out because it's too hot.

"For what, honey?"

"I want to call Auntie Beks."

"Teagan, she's probably just busy. She'll call when she has time."

"Aunt Lena. Please!"

"Fine," she sighs and hands me her phone.

As soon as I grab it, I click on Auntie Beks name, and call her, but she doesn't answer.

I begin crying when I realize I won't hear her voice.

Does she not love me anymore?

Why did she stop calling me?

Does she hate me now?



I hear Aunt Lena and my mom yell from the living room, so I run there.

When I walk in, Aunt Lena is on the couch and she's crying while watching the TV, and mom has her back to the TV with a hand over her mouth, and tears in her eyes.

"Mom? Aunt Lena? What's wrong?" I ask as I walk over to them.

"Teagan, baby. I need you to go upstairs right now," mom says as she turns to look at me.

"Why? What happened?"

"Teagan, please. Just go upstairs," she says a little louder and points to the stairs.

"O-ok," I say before turning around and running upstairs to my room, where I start crying as I cuddle with a picture of me and Auntie Beks together.

The last picture we took together.

The night of the huge party she never came home from.

I miss you so much, Auntie Beks.

Come home soon.

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