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*fast forward 5 months because I have no filler chapter*

Jay's pov:

"ALYX! ELENA! IT'S HAPPENING!" I excitedly yell as I run downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

I just got the most amazing phone call.

They're releasing Rebekah.


In 2 hours.

At noon.

And we can finally bring her back home.

"Jayden, it's ten in the morning. Why the hell are you yelling and running around?" Alyx groans and puts her head down on the counter as I walk into the kitchen.

"Jay, there's no reason to be yelling this early in the morning," Elena says with a glare as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"Oh but there is!"

"Then speak," Alyx mumbles without lifting her head.

"Captain Ross called."

At this, both Elena and Alyx look up at me, and in a flash they're right in front of me.

"What did he say?" Alyx.

"Is everything okay?" Elena.

"Tell us!" They both yell at the same time.

"They're releasing Rebekah today at noon!" I say.

Their jaws both drop and they stare at me as if I just told them I murdered someone.

"She's getting released?" Alyx.

"We can finally bring her back home?" Elena.

"Auntie Beks is coming back?!?!" Teagan?

"TEAGAN??" All three of us yell and look over when we hear his voice.

"Is it true? Is Auntie Beks really coming home?" Teagan asks as he walks over and looks up at me.

"It is. She's coming home, buddy," I reply as I kneel down and pull him into a hug as he begins crying.

*2 hours later- 12pm- in front of the courthouse*

Alyx, Elena, Teagan, and I all walk up to the courthouse where there's already a huge crowd of people.

Looks like news has already spread.

Moments later, people start clapping and cheering as Rebekah is led out of the courthouse and into the middle of the crowd.

"Rebekah Nicole Alexander-Gonzalez; I hereby drop all charges of murder against you," Captain Ross says as he uncuffs her.

Rebekah immediately starts crying as the four of us run over and hug her. But that's when we realize this isn't over yet.

We turn around and see Captain Ross wink at us as six officers bring forward four men in handcuffs.

"Jaxson Allen Hendrix and Aaron Michael Monroe," Captain Ross walks up to Jaxson, and the man who I believe is his brother.

"You are under arrest for the murders of Jack Brody Alexander and Riley Allan Alexander. Charges will also include framing Rebekah Alexander-Gonzalez."

Captain Ross motions for guards to escort them into two police cruisers, and head to the station; while the two other men, and two other guards still remain.

"Travis Simon White Jr., and Ryan Trevor Cauldron; you are under arrest for double attempted murder against Rebekah Nicole Alexander-Gonzalez. Charges will also include helping murderers get away, and frame an innocent woman," Captain Ross says, and then motions for the two officers to escort them to their police cruisers, and go to the station.

Captain Ross and a few officers walk over to us.

Ross sticks out his hand for Rebekah to shake, and she instantly takes it and shakes it, and so do the rest of us.

Even Teagan wanted to shake his hand.

The other officers then do the same.

"Thank you, Captain Ross. So much," Rebekah says with tears in her eyes again.

"Please. That's enough with the formalities. After everything that's happened these past few months, I think it's time you start calling me Antonio. All of you," he smiles as he takes Rebekah's hand again.

"Well then. Antonio it is. Thank you so much," she smiles.

"Thank you, Antonio. You have helped us so much, and we can never thank you enough," Elena says with tears in her eyes as she hugs Rebekah.

"This isn't anywhere close to repaying you, but it's a start. Please; come over for dinner tonight as a thanks," Alyx offers.

"Oh, it's alright. You don't have to pay me back for anything. After all, all I was doing was freeing an innocent woman from prison."

"We insist," I reply. "Please. Dinner on us tonight."

He opens his mouth to say something, but then Teagan steps up and looks at him with teary eyes.

"Please," Teagan whispers as a few tears roll down his cheeks.

Antonio sighs and then slowly nods.

"Alright. I'll come over for dinner tonight," he smiles down at Teagan, and Teagan hugs his leg.

Antonio laughs a little, and then looks at all of us who have tears rolling down our cheeks.

He shakes all our hands again, and then he gives Rebekah a big hug, before he says that we can finally take her home.

He walks away and gets in his car to head down to the station so he can deal with the four other men.

As soon as he's gone, Alyx, Elena, Teagan and I all hug Rebekah again.

"Let's go home, Beks," Elena whispers as she grabs Rebekah's hand.

Rebekah smiles with tears still in her eyes as we walk to the car.

As soon as we get home, Rebekah goes to sit on the couch while Alyx, Elena, Teagan and I bring out the alcohol -and juice- to start our celebration.

When we get into the living room, Rebekah is passed out on the couch. I set my juice down on the table before covering Rebekah up with a throw blanket, and softly kissing her forehead and smiling.

"Sleep well, Nic. You deserve it," I whisper and leave the room.


She's home.

After a year and a half.

She's finally back.

And I couldn't be any happier.

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