The twins Cedric and Draco's sexualities.

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Fred: Straight. He questioned it for a bit and even started dating Cedric in secret. George being the nosey younger brother followed Fred one night and saw them kissing. He kept his mouth shut knowing Fred would spill the tea at some point. He didn't. He never told anyone about it after figuring out he was straight.

George: Straight but gender fluid. He found out when he was thirteen and only told Fred. He then told the rest of the school when he was sixteen. Everyone was fine with it. Everyone but Flinch because he is an asshole. One day Flinch  knowing fully well that George pronus for the day were She/Her called her Mr. Weasley. Well, George didn't say anything you could tell she was pissed. So that night Fred dyed Flinch 's hair pink, blue, white, black, and purple. No one found out it was him, becoues Draco who was on watch that night anyone saw one person feling the sense. Draco knew fully well that it was Fred but didn't tell becoues Flinch had it comeing. 

Cedric: Gay as fuck. He started questioning around age twelve. So him and Fred started dating hoping that they would find out. When he found out was he was gay, he only dated Cho to get the rest of the fan girls off his tail. He felt bad about using her but promised to tell her. But she kissed Harry first so he just broke up with her. He is now dating the caption of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

Draco: Bi. He found out when he was eleven when he ran into a cute boy halfway through first year( no not Harry). He didn't tell anyone because his parents already heated people just because of their blood they also hated people of different color raise and sexualities. So he kempt his mouch shut. 

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