Horrorific Genesis

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Coming back to his senses, he woke up, drenched from the evening dew on his bare skin. It was cold, but that was to be expected during the night time. Owen observes the surrounding area in a second glance, and almost immediately he sees plants and trees he didn't recognise. This is not my home, where am I? There were so many beautiful stars, but goosebumps coursed down his body when seeing the blood-red moon looming in over him.

Blood curdling screams begin echoing into the corridor, sourcing from a distant forest being engulfed in a live-like crimson, thick mist; a deeming sign of death itself. His luck was bone-dry, looking around just to find himself with no way to defend his life, and being bare without clothing. This is bad, really bad!!  With panicking haste he runs in the opposite direction, catching his fall across various rocks and puddles littered across the grass. The young man was petrified to look behind himself. "This has to be a nightmare!" If kept running, he'd be safe. That's what he thought anyways, though a denizen of the night wanted to welcome him. "What in Hell is that thing?!" Owen cries out still trying to keep his momentum. A grotesque eyeball with supporting tendrils quivering behind it as it flew, chasing him down relentlessly. He was running out of ground, and it wasn't let it's feast get away, standing with both feet on the ground in a fighting stance. Though the eye unafraid of his change of heart, continues bolting toward him at full speed.

He then winds back his punch to try and deliver a crushing blow bare-handed, Straight for the Iris of the monster. "HYRRAGH!!" The fist pierces the soft membrane, causing a grotesque spray of viscera, in turn disarray to the flying eye. A blood/mucus substance begins expelling from the damaged iris, and teeth begin to reveal from beneath the carnage. "You like that, you ugly motherfucker?" - "RRNGHH!"
Suffering from agonizing pain, he tries to get back, realizing some of the substance expelling from the monster has made contact on his right knuckles. It already started progressively eating away at his flesh and bone.. The monsters blood, it's on me!! He tried taking dirt to rub it off, but there was no luck, he was about to lose his right hand.
The monster had countermeasures for adventurers who decided to face them head on without a weapon.
It's mouth begins to salivate, exposing the shark teeth it held in cloak. In a pinch, he finds a convenient log nearby, picks it up and lobs it at the creature at full force with his left hand. Useless. The monster just eats it, then spits it back out. "Not much of a vegetarian are you?" The monster begins to move in closer, pinning Owen to a destroyed wall.

And then, a mysterious miracle arrived; a glowing arrow pierces the unsuspecting eye. Engulfing the the beast with a bright green fire, causing the innard to spew out from the cavity. The monster is dead, who just saved me? Owen in complete shock was unaware that the savior was swooping down to investigate the scene. The flames emitting from the corpse revealed a feminine figure walking towards him.
"Hey there, are you okay?"
She was human-ish, but had wings like a flying mammal protruding from her back and big, fluffy ears above her head, like a bat. Is she really a faunus?
"T-Thank you."
Those were the only words to come out from his mouth, for the exhaustion, pain and shock he felt caused him to pass out.

Before I woke up, I remember seeing my grandpa in my dreams, he was trying to tell me something, but all I could hear was my own voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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