Chapter 5

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The car ride is dead silent, any conversation Nate would try to start Asher would shoot down. The tention was immense. When the car was put to a stop I slowly got out. I opened the door, left my bag and went straight to my room. I just sat on my bed contemplating what to do now as someone knocked on the door frame, it was Asher.

"Heyy I know you might not want to talk to me right now but, I noticed you didn't eat lunch today so I was wondering if you wanted something to eat? Me and your brother are going to get take out so do you want anything, I'll pay." Asher asked with soft eyes.

"No it's fine I'm not that hungry but, thank you." I said with a slight grin.

"No problem, tell me if you change your mind."Asher said as he left.

I was exhausted despite sleeping through half the school day. I also needed an escape so I laid down and began to fall asleep. I woke up hours later to my phone notifications going off. I check my phone, it's Amelia. She was going off about Asher and something about betrayal and lunch. I am honestly too tired to read it all. I get up and peel of the blanket that I realized wasn't there earlier. I look up to my night stand and see there's a paper brown bag with a note. "Just in case you get hungry later <3" I smile as I read the note. I move over to the door and look down the stairs. I slowly move to the staircase and go down. I look around looking if anyone was home, no one. Once I enter the living room the door bell goes off. I walk towards the door and open it. On the other side of the door frame is Leon standing.

"What the hell do you want." I spit out.

"Damn ok well I guess I should get straight to the point. I umm really like you. Everyday when I would bother you I just did it to talk to you and to here your voice and to have an excuse to be near you." Leon says frantically.

"What the fuck!" I scream. " So you come to MY house to confess your feelings and your 'bothering' was because you wanted to be near me!" "I don't believe you care for cause thats bullshit with all you made go through and all of the nasty ass comments you made about me. You made me feel like shit for years. You ruined my fucking life and what you expected me to be in love with you! Go to hell,fuck you!" I scream as loud as possible while slamming the door in his face.

I fall to the floor crying, ugly brutal crying. I sit there crying my whole heart out, all the pain floodding out of me. I run up the stairs still crying. I throw myself onto the bed crying hard into my pillow. I begin screaming on the top of my lungs then failing and ending up crying more. I stammer as I open the nightstand drawer and pull out a pocket knife I bring it to my wrist after pulling up the sleeve of my sweater. Before i'm able to cut there's a knock on the door than it swings open.

  I look up to see Asher staring at me and the blade with tears in his eyes. "Oh.. Julie." He saids softy. He makes his way to me and takes the blade from me. He puts his arm around my waist and holds me. He sits on the bed with me and lets me cry into his shoulder. Once I had no more tears left he held me tighter. He pushed us both down onto the bed still holding me.

I woke up to see Asher playing with my hair while cuddling me. I stared into his dark green eyes and enjoyed his presence and his touch.

" Hey" he whispered "It's getting really late I hate to leave you but I have to. If you need anything please, please, please call me or text, alright. Feel better love." He said softly as he landed a soft kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes reliving that moment while drifting back to sleep.

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