Action time!

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Kazuto is watching the video on korosensei due to him being one of the top scorers and a certain thing is hanging off his back

I would do the video but I don't want too

Korosensei shouts I GAVE YOU POPSICLES

Kazuto just enjoys watching the whole thing and finds it really funny

After the hour is done

Korosense: no point in killing me class I'm already dead emotionally, intellectually, socially dead

Mimura: brutal right but you have to admit it held your attention notice anything strange while you where watching like about the venue

It's filling with water because it's high tide

Terasika: weird it's like someone trimmed down the support pylons

Rio: seasick shamed and water logged this just isn't shaping up to be your day everything's conspired to slow you down

They all load their guns

Kazuto: Remember you made a promise so don't going backing out now

Ritsu: commence operation NOW

Isogai: LETS GO!

And they blast off their respective tentacles

And the whole venue falls apart

Next the other members of E class rise from the water


Nagisa: YEAH THAT RIGHTS, we know a change of environment throws you

Sugino: first you're in a chapel now you're in a cage

Maehera: if you're confused good cause we'll take anything that slows your reaction time

Ritsu rises

Ritsu: commencing tactical volley in


They all unleash bullets

Maehara: careful guys

Maehara: shoot around him keep him planted

Meg: everybody aim for the left or right by about a meter

Terasika: Block his escape with a hail of bullets!

Rio: wait for it

Kazuto: sorry teach gotta say it's been a blast but this ends NOW!

The Shots are fired by our Gun and sniper duo!

Kazuto grabs his katana and goes right for korosensei's neck!

The bullets and the blade get very close

Korosensei: AHH!

But a huge shockwave is emitted with lighting and everything sending them all soaring into the water especially our black  haired warrior

Kazuto: what happened? That's never occurred before

Karasuma: don't let your guard down it's still possible for him to regenerate
Right Isogai, you,Kataoka and Kazuto go keep an eye out for the target

All: yes sir!

They swim to investigate

Then something emerges from the ocean

It's korosensei bright orange surrounded by a bubble

Kazuto: (what


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