Chapter Seven

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Mike was helping Eleven clean herself up in the bathroom. Dustin opened the bathroom door. "Guys!" he said to them. "It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble. Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" "Yeah", Mike said as Dustin grabbed his walkie-talkie.

"What if he found it?"

They could hear Lucas shouting indistinctly on the radio. "What's he saying?" Mike asked. "I don't know, he's way out of range", Dustin replied. "...son of a bitch!" they heard Lucas say. "Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you", Rosie said, talking into the walkie-talkie. "Yes, I copy! Do you?" Lucas said. "They know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!" "Mad hen". Does that mean anything to you?" Dustin said. "Like a code name or something?"

"The bad men are coming!"

"Bad men", Rosie concluded. "Bad men!" "Stay here", Mike said to El and the three of them ran upstairs. They looked out of the front window. A white van that read: Hawkins Power And Light sat outside. "What's that guy doing?" Mike said. "You don't think...", Dustin said and Mike and Rosie rushed to the kitchen where their mom was on the phone. "Well, I know she and Steve have been spending some time together, so I thought maybe–", Karen said into the phone. "Mom!" Mike exclaimed.

"Well, is he home? Maybe you could ask him?"


"I'm sorry, can you just hold on, please? Michael, I'm on the phone. I've told you a million times–"

"Did you schedule any repairs?" Rosie said.


"Is there anyone supposed to come and do repairs on the house?"

"I don't understand. Is there something wrong–"

"No, Mom, nothing's wrong in the house"

"Mike, Rosie!" Dustin said, running into the room. "One second", Mike said.

"Mike, Rosie! We need to leave...right now"

They started running out of the room. "Michael! Rosie!" Karen called after them, making them stop. "If anyone asks where we are, we've left the country", Rosie said before they started running again.


They left out of the back door and grabbed their bikes. They ran a bit before getting on their bikes. They looked over to see the men from the vans were walking towards them. "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dustin urged as they started biking. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God". "Dustin!" Lucas' voice came from his walkie-talkie. "Dustin, do you copy?"

"Yeah, Lucas, they're on us"

"Where are you?"


"Meet me at Elm and Cherry"

"Copy. Elm and Cherry!"

"Okay", Mike said. Two vans started approaching from behind. "Shit!" Dustin said. "This way, come on!" Mike said. They went through a clearing where two little girls were playing pat-a-cake. "Out of the way!" Dustin yelled at them. They scrambled out of the way in shock. They made it out and found Lucas. "Lucas!" Rosie said. "Where are they?" he asked.

"I don't know"

"I think we lost them", Dustin said. Then they heard tires screeching and saw the vans approaching once again. They hastily started biking again. One of the vans started driving in front of them. Suddenly, the van flipped over their heads and crashed behind them.

Until I Found You-Stranger Things AU Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now