an average sunday in december [hinny drabble]

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soft snowflakes fluttering to the blanketed ground in beautiful spirals. christmas films laughing on the television next to the lit and decorated tree. ginny curled against her boyfriend, absentmindedly rubbing tender circles around the soft skin on the back of his hand. his chin resting lightly on the top of her head so his melodic heartbeat lies just next to her ear. their legs entangled together and someone's toes hang off the couch's edge. harry pressing a soft kiss against the delicate flesh just behind her ear. her warm laugh at the tickling sensation and the smile that spreads across his face. and the soft 'i love you's whispered into the cinnamon laden air.


so I haven't updated this in like a month. also I deleted some chapters. also I'm suffering from serious writers block.

if someone just wants to stab me with their razor sharp wit, I would be completely okay with that.

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