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Luffy and I had been standing in the kitchen since lunch, washing dishes

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Luffy and I had been standing in the kitchen since lunch, washing dishes. "Go out for a drink, I'll finish the rest," I said to him. He looked at me with thanks and left. "Did you cook this tuna dish?" I asked him as I started the last pile of dishes. He looked up, "The True Blue Fin Sauté?" I nodded, "It was so good. But why doesn't he let you work in the kitchen?" He shrugged his shoulders: "Well, as long as the old man's in charge, I'm banned from the kitchen." I sat down in front of him: "So this is your dream? To be head chef at the baratie?"

Sanji shook his head: "Nah." I looked at him in surprise: "So you love to cook. You just don't want to cook here?" He lit a cigarette: "There's, um, this place where you can find ingredients from all four seas. East Blue, West Blue, North and South. They call it the All Blue. Nobody knows where it is, but there are fish there that have never been seen. You know, rare seaweeds. Spices that have never been tasted. It's a cook's paradise, and I'm gonna find it one day. That's my dream." I looked at him impressed. "You should join our crew. Luffy already likes you I can see that and he can be very confident in convincing someone to pursue their dream." I said. Sanji bit his lip: "Again, I don't open up that easily and I usually flirt more with women." He laughed. I looked down at my hands in embarrassment. "Do you want to know my dream?" I asked him. He nodded curiously. "I want to write a book about the mysteries and inhabitants of the Grand Line so that the whole world will know about the Grand Line," I said, my eyes shining. Sanji started laughing. I looked at him in surprise. "Forgive me. Your dream is great. When your book is finished, I will be the first to buy it."

As we continued to talk, Luffy came into the kitchen accompanied by a man. "Help me. Please," said the man. I helped Luffy sit him down at the table. "Are you ok?" Sanji asked. "I'm so hungry! Please." he said exhausted. Sanji immediately set about making him something to eat. Luffy and I watched, impressed, as Sanji prepared the food. "Wow," I whispered.

"What happened?" we asked the pirate as he started to stuff Sanji's food into himself. "I was drifting out there for a week. You saved my life tonight," he said with his mouth full. Luffy turned to Sanji: "You're not just a good cook. You're a good guy. If Zeff doesn't appreciate you, you should join my crew." "I'm going to go have a drink, I'll be back in a moment," I told the three of them. I smiled at Sanji again as I walked out. "A strawberry mojito please," I ordered from the bartender. I took my drink and sat in a secluded corner to think quietly.

~ Meanwhile Sanji's POV~

'She is so lovely and not at all like other women I have met so far. I don't even flirt with her, which doesn't suit me at all. I want to get to know her better, maybe I'll join her crew.' I cleaned up the kitchen utensils.

~ Back to Misty's POV~

'Was that Mihawk I just saw? Oh no.' I finished my drink and went back inside to help Luffy with the rest of the dishes. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice someone come out of the kitchen. "Ow," I mumbled as I bumped into this someone and fell on my butt. "Forgive me, Hun, I didn't see you," said Sanji, who I bumped into. He helped me up. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

He took my hand, a warm feeling spread over my entire body, and brought me to a quiet place in the Baratie. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked him in surprise. He let go of my hand and the warm feeling disappeared. Instead, he started nervously playing with his fingers, which was very cute. "I feel like I can trust you. I mean, I know I've only known you since today but. Fuck, I don't know how to describe it," he started to stutter. I took his hands, laughing: "Maybe we'll start all over again in peace and quiet. Hello, my name is Misty, Nice to meet you." 

He started to smile, "Nice to meet you, Misty, my name is Sanji, chef at Baratie."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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