memorable birthday :)

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(A/N: Hello everyone, how are you doing? Today is going to be a fun chapter because IT'S MY B-DAY. It is not right now but I am going to be posting this chapter on my birthday aka july 23. Also this chapter will be very long, like maybe 5,000 words lol. I hope you guys have a very good day today because I know I will <3 Ok let's get into this,because I can't wait to write this. Also next chapter I just going to be stuff about myself so you can skip it of you want)Ranboo's POV (Right after Riley left to hang out with Tommy and Molly) Right after Riley left I went to the airport to pick up some people but first I had to pick up a bigger car so it can fit everyone. If you're wondering what is happening I will finally tell you. Me and Colby are planning to throw a surprise birthday party for them. A lot of people are coming so Wilbur and I are going to have big vans so everyone can fit in them. Also we rented the air bnb right next door to me so everyone can stay for about 2 weeks. So I got an uber to the rental area to pick up the van. Once I got the van I drove to a cafe to meet up with Wilbur before we picked everyone up. Once I got there I walked in and looked around for Wilbur just in case he got there first but I got there first so I picked a spot and sat down. Once Wilbur got there we started to discuss what we were going to do. Riley's brother and her three friends will be here first then everyone else later around night time. So I was going to pick them up and take them to the house. Wilbur will be at the house until everyone else gets here then both me and him will go get them whale Riley's brother and friends will start to get everything ready for the party. It was almost time for Riley's brother and friends to get here so I said bye to will and left to the airport.~Once Ranboo got to the airport and everyone arrived~ We got to the car and then Colby said, "Now we can tell you all the secrets about Riley." I just started laughing and we left for the air bnb. (I do want to make this clear that first I am not Riley in this story I am just not good at making names. Also they are 19 turning 20 in this chapter so please don't say "ThAt Is A mInOr." No, she is an adult, it has no point to this chapter I just want to make it known before anything happens lol) "So, who is all going to be there, I know that Wilbur, Philza, Tommy, and Molly are going to be there but who else?" Sally asked, looking up from her phone. I then said, "Well, Dream, Sapnap, George, Karl, Niki,Tubbo, Sam, Colby, and I know that some would think this is controversial but Quackity is going to be there too." Colby looks at me and says, "Why did you just say my name we already know I am going to be there?" "No, Colby from Sam and Colby the ghost hunters on YouTube, to be honest I can't believe you did not get it sooner since it is one of the only things they talk about," I say pulling up to the air bnb. "Ok here we are, your guys new home for like a week or two" I say helping them get there bags in to the air bnb. Once we got everything inside Colby introduced himself to Wilbur and then we just hanged out until we have to get the rest. "So Colby, is there anyone you are excited to meet when you are here?" Wilbur asked Colby. Colby said, "Well, I would like to meet this other Colby, how are we going to tell who you are talking to by the way?" For a second I did not know what to say then I said, "Well, how about I call you CJ since we have JC you can be CJ at least tell we can see what Riley want to do." That seemed to reassure him because he nodded and said, "CJ it is!" and did a superman pose. We all started to laugh at what he did. It was getting later and Philza had shown up on his own with his wife. We all hanged out then it was time to go and get the rest. "Hay CJ, would you like to come and meet the other Colby?" I asked, grabbing the keys and opening the door. He nodded and followed me out the door. Wilbur got into his van and I got into mine. Once we got there we waited. Sam, Colby, Karl, and Quackity will be here first and will go with me then the others with Wilbur.~with the others~Cora's POV (A/N: OMG a new POV) Me and Philza were talking about the theme of the party a little bit ago. We had decided that it was going to be My Hero Academia themed. Philza got the stuff for the party and then we got to decorating, once we were done Phil and Kristin went to their room to sleep. Me JC, and Sally were in the living room talking when Sally said, "Wait, I forgot to call Riley, I am going to call them be right back." Once she got back she said, "Do one of you guys have a way to call Ranboo or Colby, there hanging out with Tommy and Molly outside and I don't want them to get caught driving back here." I instantly said yes and called Colby to tell them that Riley was hanging out with Tommy and Molly outside. We then ordered some food and waited for the rest to get here hoping that no drama starts with the Dream team and Quackity. (Well you jinxed that so bad lol, this chapter will only have a little angst about the USMP and QSMP stuff. I don't want to say my opinion about it because I don't really have one at all. But don't worry they well end up friends lol.)Ranboo's POV Colby just got off the phone with Cora and said that we have to be careful because Riley, Tommy and Molly are outside. Right after Sam and Colby arrived at the airport. Once I saw them I told CJ to wait where we were. I walked up to them and said, "Hey guys, so just letting you know Riley's brother's name is also Colby so this may be a little interesting." Colby laughed and Sam just nodded his head. When we got to CJ he instantly said, "Now which one of you is the other Colby?" Colby pointed to Sam and said, "him, he is" (So, I wanted to say that CJ the brother is 6.6ft and from what I know Colby is 5'11ft so ya. Colby was a little freaked out about his height. But in a joking way, if you get what I am getting at.) I started laughing and then i said, "No, your Colby, that's Sam, your Colby, also Quackity was supposed to be on your plan, where is he?" CJ then walked up to Colby and then gave him a hug whale saying, "I am so glad that there is another Colby in Riley's life." Colby then hugs him back then looks at me and says, "oh ya, he is about to be here he lost his phone so he was looking for it it shouldn't be long thought." (A/N: Y'all it is ten days tell my birthday, so I only have TEN DAYS to finish this and I still have so much to write! I may have this out late because of the short amount of time. But I hope not lol, ok let's get back to this story) After the Colbys stopped hugging I spotted Quackity getting his bag so waved him over to us. Once he saw us he walked over a greated everyone. He then asked, "so who else are we waiting for, they better get here fast so we can get this show on the road!" I then said, "well, the thing is he is going to be here in, like, 10 minutes, but first I want you and him to talk instead of ignoring each other." Then CJ asked, "wait we have not eaten food yet, do you guys want to get some after the last person gets here?" We all agreed and waited for Karl to show up, once he did I was the first to walk up to him and say hi then the others Quackity was the last one to say hi to him. Once we got to the van sam and Colby sat next to each other and CJ was next to Colby. Karl was in the front with me and Quackity was in the very back of the van. I let Colby pick the place to go and he said, "The restaurant is named The Salt Room. Ya, I think that is what it is called." Once I got the coordinates to the restaurant I started to drive there, it was about a 23 min drive. Once we got there I saw the one person we were trying to avoid, Riley. I then texted Tommy saying to make shere Riley does not look behind her because we were behind her. I then saw Tommy look at his phone then show it to Molly, the both whispered something into each other's ears and the asked Riley to take videos of them dancing together. Once we were in the cleare we fastly walked into the restaurant. ~after they got there food, ate it, and payed for it~ I was told by Tommy that they went back to Tommy's flat and started to stream. So we just go to the van and head the the airbnb. When we got there everyone that was there already was asleep. I told everyone to go pick out room's and that they can share rooms with people if they want. So Sam and Colby are in a room together. CJ and Quackity are going to share a room. Karl and Sapnap are going to be in a room together when Sapnap gets here. Dream and George are going to share a room. Pill and Kristin are going to be in a room together. Tubbo and me are going to be in a room together. Tommy and Molly are going to be in a room together. Niki, Sally, and Riley will be in a room together. Wilbur will have his own room, and Lastly Cora and JC will be sharing a room. Quackity instantly went to his room and started to unpack. I then ask CJ, "Hay, can you go see if he is ok, and ask if he needs anything?" CJ then left to go see him. CJ's POV (I think new POV I don't know anymore, I now only have 9 days to finish :'(. ) I left for mine and Quackity's room to see what's wrong. Once I got there I knocked on the door, I heard a fante "Come it" form Quackity. I walked in and closed the door behind me then asked, "Ok, what's up you just ran up to our room right when we got here?" He looked up at me and then looked back down, like he was going to say something but detected against it. He then said, "It's because of Karl. Me and him don't talk anymore ever since the drama with the USMP and the QSMP, all because I was mad about the smp's being extremely alike to each other!" I then said, "Well understand wher-." Then Quackity intorupted me and screamed, "no, you don't undrestnd I worked so fuck hard on the qsmp and then I find out one of my really good friends were doing the exact same fuckng thing! So no you don't understande!" (Pretend that it is him screaming I don't have caps lock on my computer and it hurts to hold down the shift key)I was in shock about what he was screaming about, I then decided to say, " Quackity you need to try to understand were they are coming from ok, they really care about you and they lost their best friend because of it all and your that best friend if you didn't catch on." I was a little upset so I walked out of the room but before I did I said, "Just try to look at it in there eye because all of them are going to be here so please try to be nice to them all, for Riley at lest" I then close the door and walked to the backyard. I got out there and sat down in one of the lawn chares that were there. I heard someone open the door, looked back and saw it was Ranboo they then said, "Hay, everyone else is here if you want to come say them." I got up and went inside to say hi to everyone else. Once it got there I saw Quackity hugging Wilbur. I decided to walk over to the only girl there and say hi. "Umm hello I am the twin brother of Riley, Just wanted to say hi." she then said, "well hello, I am Niki nice to meet you." She held her hand out for me to shake it and I did. I then started a conversation with Niki wale observing what Q was doing (A/N: Also just wanted to say Q is Quackity. It is just better for me with now only having a week to finish this and I still have to write Quackity and the dream team making up and hanging out then I have to write the entire party and then them panning there week out and then past this form the google doc it's in and putting the word count at the bottom *Internally crying* OH and I also have to plan my own b-day and have to make videos for my B-day! But ya I am going to get back to writing) ~Quackity's POV~ (New POV) I had just got a text from Wilbur that the others had just gotten there. I was thinking about what CJ was telling me about the entier USMP and QSMP stuff. I then texted him back saying that I will be down in a second. (A/N: I JUST SAW KARL REPLY TO QUACKITY"S TWEET THIS IT AN AMAZING DAY!!!!!!! Also pretend that the dream team +karl and Quackity have friendship bracelets) I then looked in my bag and found the friendship bracelet that they gave to me and put it on. I was walking down the stares and herd someone behind me, I tern around and see it's karl. So I decided to say, "Hey, Carlos, how are you doing?" and then I gave him a hug. I felt his arms wrap around me and he said, "I am doing great, thanks for asking." We walked down the stairs. I first saw Wilbur so I said, "Wilby~" and gave him a big hug. I then saw CJ in the corner of my eye with Niki. I then walked over to Dream and then hugged him. He seemed shocked about it but the hugged me back. "So, how have you been Dream?" I asked walking out of the hug. He then pulled me back to the hug (A/N: IN A FRIEND WAY!!!) and said, "I have not been doing amazing but I am doing good now." Once I got done with Dream I walked over to Nick and said, "My finance~ how are you doing?" (Ok, so I am in an extremely good mood right now because my prize that I won from the voice actor of Denki Kaminari just came so I think I may finish this chapter soon because of my excitement!!!!!!!) He looked at me and said, "I am doing well my love." Me, Karl, and him started laughing our asses off because of this. I then gave him a hug and he said, "Glad to be talking to you again Q." Then once I got done hugging Nick I got topoled by someone jumping on to me. Once I saw who it was I started laughing and said, "Well hello to you George, how are you doing?" He then said, "I am doing amazing I missed you so much!" (Writing this made me cry a little lol) me and the rest of the crew boys were hanging out when we got told that we have a long day tomorrow so we should get some sleep. I said good night to everyone and then went to bed. ~The next morning~~Ranboo's POV~ Today was the day Rileys B-day and also CJ's Bday. So before everything was about Riley we wanted to do something for CJ. So everyone got up and waited for CJ to wake up. Once he did we asked what he wanted to do tell it was time for Riley to get here. He said, "Well I don't like celebrating my Birthday anymore because of my mom and dad so how about we just doordash some food and hangout." He then pointed at us and said "And then I can see if you guys are really as cool as RIley says you are." We all started to laugh at what he said. We then ordered some food, Dream insisted that he played because he was the richest. (A/N: BTW forgot to add that I am so proud of Bilzo for everything. Also I am adding Bilzo, and Aimsey to the party. Love yall <3 also I only have 5 days left!) Once we got all of our food ordered we decided to watch a Movie while we wait for it all to arrive. We let CJ pick and he said, "How about the movie 9." We all agreed and started watching it. Once it ended everyone's food had arrived so we started eating it and talked about life. Suprinling Dream, Nick, George, Karl, and Q were getting along with each other.Once we got done with eating I went and picked up the cakes for Riley's Birthday party. It was about 10 am and I had just got back then got a text form Tommy saying they were on there way, once I got it I instantly sprung in to telling everyone what to do. "Ok, EVERYONE DOWN HERE NOW THEY ARE ON THERE WAY." I then here everyone running down the stares and then I tell them, "Ok, let's get to hiding ok, we have about 5 minutes tell they get here so go and hide, just know you are going to have to jump out of that place so make sure you can do that." Then everyone started to hide like it was a crazy game of hide and seek. I found a place and hid there. I the hurd the door open and got rede to jump out. ~Riley's POV~ (YESSSSSSS FINALLY, sorry for all caps I am just so happy that it is almost done. I will only have 4 days left but hey, I think I can do this! I am going to go to bed now sense it is 1 AM but I will continue writing when I wake up lol see you then <3 also this is already at 3304 words lol maybe a little more) Tommy then told me to take the blindfold off. Once I took it off I just saw an empty room, it looked like we were in a big house. "What is this?" I say, looking around. Then all at once all my friends and some other people jump out screaming, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I then started to cry because I never really felt so happy in my life. I then decided to look around to see who all was there. Tommy, Molly, Bilzo, Aimsey, Ranboo, Tubbo, My brother, Colby, Sam, Wilbur, Philza, his wife, Dream, George, Karl, Sapnap, Niki, Cora, JC, Sally, and Quackity. I then started to cry, not because I am sad, because I finally feel loved by the people around me. I am glad I had JC and Cora there or everyone would not know what to do because they knew that this is my happy cry so they made sure everyone knew it was. Ranboo then walks up to me with a cake having the words ''Happy Birthday Riley, you're now 20." I managed to stumble out, "You guys didn't have to do this, it's just my birthday." then I hear Colby (Her brother) say, "You deserve it Riley, pulse everyone is already here so you might as well enjoy it while it lasts." I then here someone scream, and I think it was Dream but they screamed, "BLOW THE CANDLES OUT SO WE CAN START TO PARTY." everyone encluding me started to laughing at the comment. I then blow out the candle and everyone started to chere. When everyone had cake and were siting down I got told that all my presents are around the house and I have to find them. (A/N: So this is how I got my presents one year so I thought this would be fun lol) I then said, "Ok, when does the hunt start?" I then sam told me, "It will start when everyone is done with there cake, also would you like us to film you hunting for it?" I said yes and we all started to eat, and I was getting to know everyone from beyond their screen selfs. Like how it is so oveuse when you are hanging out with dream and george that they have a crush on each other, and how Quackity is not the screaming latina that we see on stream. It is also weird seeing the crew boys talking sense everything that has been happening on the internet. I then asked, "So, Crew boys, I was wondering if you guys are going to tell everyone that you guys are friends again?" then they all looked at me like they just realized that they have to tell the fans about them being friends again. Wait, I think they just realized they had to tell the fans. "Oh my god, guys your fandoms are at war right now if you guys don't post soon there we don't know how bad it will get!" I said in a loud voice, not yelling but in a surprised way. They looked at each other then Karl said, "Everyone time for a photo, so if you are faceless or you cover part of your face start doing that!" We all started to laugh but we did get ready for a photo, Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity all doing a cuddling pose and everyone else doing their thing. Once we got the photo Karl posted it and tagged us all, it was a faster way for us to comment on it. Lets just say the fans were happy about the meet up but didn't know who some of the people there were. Like Me, Cora, JC, Colby, and Sally. Some people thought we were some IRL friends but the Ranboo fans were saying that I was Ranboo's roommate, and that those are my friends, and it's my Birthday. Others were happy that the bench trio were hanging out again. But overall it started trending really fast. We all were laughing at the replies form some of the fans. We then finished are cake and Then I started to hunt for my presents which were hard to find but I found them all. I brought them all to the living room of the house we were in and started to open them all. There were some gag gifts but I still loved them all. Then I got the last gift. It was from Sam and Colby, It said open last so that is what I did. Once I opened it up it hade some of there merch and a little card saying, "We wanted to give you a memory that will last so that is why we are going to take you and whoever you want to the one week in the conjuring house with us. Ps: Happy Birthday RIley, from Sam and Colby." I jumped up and down until I realized that it was a week in the conjuring house. "What does it say?" Tommy asked. "I then said, I am going to the conjuring house for a week with whoever I want and Sam and Colby." The people who did not know what I was talking about said it was cool but the people who did look at me with a "Good luck" look in their eyes. "So, who are you going to pick?" asked Sam. I then looked around at my friend and my idols not knowing who to choose. I then had an idea, "How about at the end of this week I will pick, also to whoever I pick, I am sorry," I said looking around. For the rest of the day we all just hung out and partied. It was the end of the day and it was time to plan the next two weeks with each other. We decided that on the Wednesdays and Saturdays we will stream together and the other days we will hangout and film for our channels. It was going to be an amazing next couple weeks, and I can not wait for it. We all ended the day watching some muscles and doing karaoke. We all then went to bed in our rooms. Once I got to my room I got dressed and did my night time routine then went to bed. (A/N: I AM FINALLY FUCK DONE WOOOOOOOOO. But really I am so happy I am done with this because it has been bothering me for so long that it has not been done so now that this chapter is I feel so much better also the next chapters will be shorter I promise this chapter was just long because I had to fit in so much but I am going to post the get to know me like in a week after this is posted because then I will have all my birthday stuff done. But ya, I hope you guys have a good day/night and love yall BYEEEEEEE, also happy birthday to me) (So, I just wanted to let you all know that I am still going to do this book even if they will never be friends again, it is fan FICTION so it is not real so ya. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do when I did it. Also ya, I know it has been about 1-2 moths sense my birthday but I still wanted to post this because I am proud of it! Love you guys!)

4545 words

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