🚗 The music club on a road trip 🚗

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(Btw this is the type of car that has like 3 rows of seats)

Sean - The driver or sleeping in the back, brings the snacks, controls what music is playing

Luke- The driver, passenger, basically switches seats every stop they make, gets car sick easily, also controls what music is playing (him and Sean argue over it sometimes)

Milly- The back or middle row, most likely playing punch bug with anyone in her radius, screaming the lyrics to whatever music is playing, has to pee 24/7, eats most of the snacks, "are we there yet?"

Hailey- Middle row, singing along to the music that's playing, or admiring the scenery, converses with everyone, keeping track of the plans and making sure they're on time

Zander- Passenger princess or in the very back, either reading or sleeping, most likely has earbuds in, victim of punch bug, more moodier than usual, also has to pee 24/7

Jake- In the back, sings along very loudly to the music, has to keep adjusting his position cus his legs keep falling asleep, also a victim of punch bug, "Guys look!There's cows! 😃"

I kinda wanna make a book of the music club on a road trip now 💀

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