chapter one- hurt

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conrad's pov

packing my moms house up alone after my brother and ex girlfriend got together and left me wad possibly the hardest thing i've had to do since walking away from belly at the funeral. as i unpack all of the boxes, i can't help but feel. like when i was in the living room painting over the graffiti someone made on the wall when we threw that rager when we thought the house was up for sale. i couldn't help as i dragged the paint roller back and forth, covering the stupid art, to look back at the couch where me and belly spent that one december night. where did that happiness go? and if everyone else feels it why can't i? they left the hotel declaring they were a couple. triumphant. when is my turn? don't i deserve it to? and when did they stop caring about the house too? did the past week mean nothing to them? i don't know. all i know is nothing will ever be the same. i fucked up. that's what i do. but this time i can't fix it. she's with my brother this time. my belly. and i can't stop her. this time it was her choice. sometimes if you live someone you should let them go. but no one said it wouldn't hurt.

belly's pov
once i got to volleyball camp, i thought everything was going great again. the world was great again. me and jere were together. steven and taylor are together. and i'm on the team again! i felt like i had this... control, over my life again. it felt powerful. like i hadn't felt this way since last summer. since before susannah... anyways. there was one thing missing. and i felt it. i felt so guilty for feeling though. i'm with jeremiah now! why am i still thinking about conrad. i have to ignore these feelings. i don't love him anymore. i'm finally happy. i'm going to have to see him at fourth of july though, which will sting. i secretly hope he won't show up, but knowing him he always stays true to his word so he will be there. i hate how much i know about him. should i tell jere how i'm feeling about this? no. i cant. i have to ignore this feelings. i can't tell anyone not even taylor. god, especially taylor. i should go to sleep. i need to stop tossing and turning. good night. see you at 4/6.

how did u like the first chapter👀 i'm sooo excited for others povvv and dramaaaa dw bonrad content soon ik that's what ur here for, personally i hate slow burn. do you like slow burn, or do you like it if it gets to the point immediately. what's ur fav trope? :)
(476 words) - gabby

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