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Y/n sighed, staring at their powered-off monitor, wondering what to do. They could go outside... go get a snack from the nearby convenience store... do their homework.. build something.. 


 They're too lazy today. It's been a long week so they wanted to do absolutely nothing, so they really didn't know what to do.

They could hang out with April-


Y/n paused in their thoughts and looked at their phone.

'Well isn't that a funny coincidence.', Y/n thought to themself.

April texted.

April <3:"I'm boreddddd"

Y/n smiled, texting back and the two conversed for a bit. April mentioned she was just sitting in Donnie's layer, and mentioned how he wouldn't shut up about Y/n not being present. Y/n smiled, feeling appreciated. Though it was weird..

Their stomach felt weird. Maybe it was something they ate? They were unsure. Y/n shrugged it off, coming to the conclusion they probably just had to take a shit, then glanced at their monitor... Y/n's eyes brightened as they quickly texted April.

Y/n: wanna play video games? I think I saw a console in the lair, but ik damn well Don has one if not

April <3: mhm ill ask don rn 

(Aprils POV)

[a/n:  finally doing a  pov after dropping them for a few chapters wowzers]

I turned to Don who typed away on his computer, still kinda pissed I mentioned he wouldn't shut up about Y/n TO them.. to be honest I typed it as a joke, but when he tried snatching my phone... I accidentally hit send..

So, being in the pissy mood he's in now, he's giving me the silent treatment.




"Don't wanna hear it."

"You definitely do-"


"It's about" 

"Don't even."


"No- wait what. What did they say?"

I smirked then told him Y/n wanted to play video games. He immediately stopped what he was doing and asked what game.  Y/n and I texted back and forth until we all decided on Minecraft, so we exchanged gamertags.

We decided to voice chat and play survival mode, since Donnie said creative was boring. I mostly tried to fangirl on the side as Y/n and Donnie were cluelessly crushing on each other. Like they were so obvious it was painful, I can literally sense a growing crush between the two. 

Though, Y/n kept including me which was nice. I smiled to myself, glad we're finally friends again.

"Heyyy Donnieeee~", Y/n spoke, their grin obvious just by their tone.

"What Y/n.", Donnie spoke as harshly as he could, but I smirked as I noticed a smile on his face. 

"I got you a presentttt~", Y/n chirped, and Donnie smiled even more.

+。:.゚𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓼.:。+゚- Rise! Donatello x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now