Never getting ogre you

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It was just a normal Tuesday. I, sonic, was just walking to the new school with my pookie dookie cookie lookie ookie shookie smookie wookie fookie lookie yookie Shrek 🥺. UWU. But then... something happened 🥺.

"Hey shrekie weeckie. UWU."
Sonic said to Shrek as they were walking the rocky path to get to their new high school.
"Yes sonic?"
Shrek said, his blue orbs looking down at sonic. 
"Ermmm. I just wanted to say-"
Sonic got cut off by something big and voluptuous stopping them in their path. The huge moon turned around, and it turned out to be the UWU senpai Obama! His huge dumpy was in their face! Shrek started to blush. Obama bent down to talk to the two better.
"What are you two Bakas doing here?"
Shrek was having a mini panic attack just cuz. Sonic looked up at Obama with jelousy. Sonic had loved Shrek ever since they were little fetuses. 🥺. 
"I heard there was a chewwy festival happening tonight Obama senpai. Are you going? UWU"
Shrek asked Obama.
Obama looked at Shrek, and then behind him.
"I'm sorry little Shrek. I'm going with my boyfriend, Sans. XD"
 Suddenly, sans appeared out of thin air.
sans said.
"I agree! We should go to the diner this afternoon."
Shrek looked at them both with distain.
"Anime gasp I will never get a chance to be with my obama sempai now!"
Shrek said sadly under his breath.
Sonic was witnessing all of this. A tear fell down his blue sonic-ie face.
"SIGH. I can't believe I won't be able to dat my shrekie wekie"

sonic said under his breath.
Everyone heard sonic say that, but they didn't care.
"How dare you try to steal my baba grill ombama" 😡
Sonic looked madly at obama, but obama turned around swiftly and hit sonic with his fat dumpy. Sonic fell to the ground in one swift motion. Yeouch!
Obama and sans quickly leave, as they violently make out.

Obama x Shrek x sonic x trump x sansWhere stories live. Discover now