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Thousands of golden doors opened in front of him as he stood there, looking around aimlessly. The blinding light shone at him, making him nervous. He glanced around the cloud, he was all alone in front of heaven.

"Han Jisung," Jisung shuddered, hearing the voice, "Your life span isn't over."

"I know," Jisung replied, looking down. He knew he had another thirty years of life awaiting him, but being alone in a world, ruling a dynasty that he conquered through murdering his lover, didn't feel quite settling. He glanced up, his eyes turning teary, "Where is he?"

"He has been chosen as the next reaper, sixty earth years," Jisung's eyes widen in shock. Chosen as a reaper? Then what about him?

"What do you mean?" Jisung yelled as he cried out in shock, "How can I prove my innocence if he isn't here! I killed myself to meet him."

"You will meet him," Jisung heard the voice say, even though the voice said what he wanted to hear, he felt uneasy about this all. The silence was making him feel prudent in his actions. The heaven spoke again, "You must not speak to him,"

" W-What,"

"About the past, or you shall both be erased from existence. " Jisung felt like dying even though he was already dead. His tears streamed in an uncontrollable amount as he continued hearing heaven's proficiency.

"Reapers are forbidden from attachments to the mortal and ghost world so long, as they are the keepers of life and death, the key to heaven and hell." All the words made Jisung weak to the core.

He fell onto the ground, feeling helpless. He can't prove his innocence, he can't tell him that it wasn't Jisung who killed him. He closed his eyes, thinking about the possible outcomes. How can he reveal the truth before it's too late?

"If he completes all the duties I assigned him, then he can choose whether to live forward with you or not. You should neither reveal who you are to him nor his name, otherwise you both will be facing punishments across different timelines." The voice paused before declaring," Think carefully."

Jisung took a deep breath, his entire body felt numb and powerless, unable to move a single inch. Two days of terrible trauma had flooded into his brain. Nothing but buzzing and scampering sounds were heard in his brain, his entire body trembled a couple of times, nearly causing him to feel like he was alive.

His lips trembled, allowing only a couple of words to escape from my mouth, "Can...I... at least...pursue him?"

"Rules are the same for everyone, my dear soul. " Jisung felt like the sky, the sky that has been supported by a single pillar! He glanced up at the blinding light and uttered a few words until he fell onto heaven's floor.

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