KY 1

43 11 2

1: Journey.

"Minho!" The said person turned around, watching his best friend, Hyunjin, frantically running towards him, his hand carrying Minho's luggage. "You moron! I told you to wait for me. What will happen if you get lost?"

Minho shrugged, earning a slap on the shoulder that made him chuckle. "Why are you running around like a horse in distress?"

"Now I am a horse?" Hyunjin exclaimed, angrily placing the luggage down, snatching Minho's drink, and taking a big gulp from the straw.

"Hey! That's my drink!" Hyunjin ignored his exclamation and continued enjoying the cold sensation until there was none left to take. Sighing in satisfaction, he took his lips away from the straw and then glanced at his best friend, who was now looking around the local railway station in wonder.

"This is what you get to see if you don't go around in a private jet." Minho glanced over at his friend, the sarcastic yet honest remark making him smile.

"It's so cool here." Minho looked around, watching the rushing crowd, trying to embrace the train like a child who had visited a magical land. Hyunjin glanced around the place, but to him, there wasn't anything cool here other than the fact that everything was just the same. Same occurrence on different days.

"Yeah, right." Hyunjin handed the ticket to Minho, who took it carefully in his hands. "I almost got us into trouble by trying to book a ticket online. Sometimes I forget the fact that my friend is a rich dude with a hologram in his mansion."

"It's called a beam projector."

"Whatever." Hyunjin shrugged, saying something along the lines of 'rich people are damn difficult,' making Minho laugh even more at the expression his best friend was making.

"Will you be alright alone?" Hyunjin's voice was filled with worry when he voiced his concern. It was Minho's first time travelling by train alone. Hyunjin was always used to seeing his best friend surrounded by bodyguards who wouldn't even let Minho eat freely without getting it checked.

Minho nodded, but still, something was unsettling in his heart. "I don't know what to say about this new experience, but somehow I know that I will be fine." Hyunjin nodded, but he wasn't convinced much, yet he didn't want his friend to worry about burdensome thoughts.

It was Minho who didn't want Hyunjin to be with him. He didn't want his friend to follow him around like the annoying bodyguards because, according to him, if Hyunjin followed him around to help him, would that make any difference to the bodyguards hired by his parents?

"Remember to first get out at Gimpo-si station, then take a small taxi to Munsu mountain, where your grandparents are, but I have doubts. Are you sure that your grandparents live there?" Minho nodded, remembering the address he saw.

Attention! Please note that the train from Seoul to Gimpo-si is coming on platform number 3.

"Hey, that's your train!" Minho nodded, hearing the announcement go off after concluding the message in English for foreign travellers.

"Guess it's time." Hyunjin nodded, his sights turning teary as he took his best friend into a tight embrace. Minho returned the hug with a small smile. He was glad to have a friend who wasn't after money and materialistic fortes.

They broke the hug since Minho was getting late. Minho made sure that the ticket was there, then glanced at Hyunjin with a smile.

"Call me when you reach the place, hm?" Hyunjin mumbled, picking up the luggage and giving it to Minho, who nodded.

"I don't know whether Munsu-myeon has a good signal, but I will try to call you as soon as I reach Gimpo-si." He exclaimed, grabbing the bag from Hyunjin's hands. Hyunjin nodded, watching Minho turn on his heels.

"Bye..." He mumbled, waving his hands as he watched Minho disappear among the bustling crowd.

As Minho walked towards the platform, the weight of his decision to travel alone settled in his chest like a heavy stone. He glanced back one last time, catching Hyunjin's worried expression through the sea of faces. Despite his friend's concerns, Minho knew he had to embark on this journey alone, to prove to himself and perhaps to his overprotective parents that he could handle independence.

As he stepped onto the train, Minho found an empty seat by the window and settled in, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness fluttering in his stomach. He gazed out at the passing scenery, the familiar cityscape gradually giving way to open fields and distant mountains. With each passing mile, Minho felt a sense of liberation wash over him, as if the train were carrying him towards a new chapter of his life.

Lost in his thoughts, Minho barely noticed the conductor making rounds to check tickets. When the conductor finally reached him, Minho fumbled for his ticket, his fingers trembling slightly with nerves. But as soon as the conductor scanned the ticket and moved on, Minho let out a relieved breath, realising that he was one step closer to his destination.

As the train rattled along the tracks, Minho couldn't help but think about the conversation he had with Hyunjin earlier. Despite his friend's teasing and playful demeanour, Minho knew that Hyunjin's concern was genuine. It was comforting to have someone like him in his life, someone who cared more about his well-being than his wealth or status.

With a newfound determination, Minho vowed to make the most of this journey, to embrace the unknown and discover what lies beyond the confines of his privileged upbringing. And as the train continued to carry him towards his destination, Minho couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him, eager to see where this path would lead him.

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