School time/ company

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Let's continue with story

As soon as jk left inside the school building Tae's face became cold as Ice as he looked towards the guards who were guarding jungkook

He shouldn't get a single scratch or you guys be ready to lose your life Tae spoke Coldly as he sat inside the car and told the driver to start the car and drove towards company

Guards nodded their heads and bowed to Tae's car which left and they started guarding the school building and classroom where jk was studying

Inside the classroom Here jk came inside the classroom and sat on his bench waiting for his friends and teachers as both of them haven't came yet

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Inside the classroom
Here jk came inside the classroom and sat on his bench waiting for his friends and teachers as both of them haven't came yet

Suddenly he felt someone covering his eyes from the behind as he panicked a little because of it but calmed down hearing familiar voice

Relax buddy it's me Beomgyu spoke as he came infront of jk and waves his hands as jk waves back

Beomgyu kept his bag on his seat and came near jk again and started to chit chat with him until teacher came

Teacher came inside the classroom and started teaching her subject as jk was listening with full concentration to her

*After the lecture*
Jk was packing his bag after attending all his lecture when Beomgyu came to him after packing his bag

Let's go to canteen and have lunch Beomgyu suggested as jk nodded his head as he was really hungry but his mood was a bit upset

Hey buddy why upset now?! Beomgyu asked noticing jk's gloomy mood

I wanted to eat kimchi today but hyung said no and send salad Jk spoke with sad voice and put his bad on his shoulder

Aww buddy it's alright, we can buy from the canteen Beomgyu suggested as they went outside the classroom to canteen

Aniyo, I only eat hyungs handmade food, if salad then salad only, no kimchi jk spoke as they reach the canteen and sat on their places and took out their lunch as Beomgyu went to buy for himself

After Beomgyu came back they both opened the tiffin box to eat lunch, jk sadly pout while looking at the salad and was about to eat it that's when someone held his hand

He looked at the owner of the hand and squealed happily when he saw his taetae hyungie smiling at him

Hyungie you here?! Jk asked still not believing

My bunny wants to eat kimchi right?! I bought it for him Tae spoke as he opened the package he brought with him

But Vantae hyungie?! And this salad?! Jk questioned as tae started to feed him

Don't worry about him and this salad I will eat it Tae said still feeding jk as jk was eating while sitting in his lap cutely

Jk nodded his head cutely and continued to eat his kimchi

*After eating*
Tae cleaned jk's face and made him stand and kept his clothes clean too then patted his head

Hyungie ki jaan, i will go back now and you study like a good boy Tae spoke as jk nodded his head cutely and went to his classroom with Beomgyu

Tae pick jk's lunch box and took it with him and he ate that lunch in his car on his way back to company

As tae entered the company he quickly went inside his cabin and sat on his chair to do work

As tae sat on his chair, his secretary came running inside his cabin as tae looked at her with a cold glare

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As tae sat on his chair, his secretary came running inside his cabin as tae looked at her with a cold glare

Don't you know how to knock?! Tae spoke Coldly but what his secretary told him made his eyes red in anger

Boss, we have a traitor inbetween us Secretary spoke stuttering inbetween knowing Tae's anger

WHAT THE HELL YOU SAID?! Tae shouted in anger as his secretary flinched because of it
To be continued

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