Chapter 3 : The Engagement

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I entered the garden and started looking for some food. You must have guessed it by now, I'm a huge foodie !
I was just roaming, searching for food when my eyes landed on the pasta stall. I quickly headed towards it and served myself with some delicious pasta and as I was about to take a table for myself when someone pushed me lightly and sat on the table calling his friends or cousins or whatever, over there.

" Excuse me ? I was here first and how dare u push me " I said in a calm tone. But I don't think this guy heard me very well so I repeated myself a bit more loudly and irritated " Excuse me ! I came here first so how dare u push me away and reserve it for urself !!! Don't u have manners ?! ".
That's when he finally turned around and I saw him for the first time. Honesty he looked sooo good but when he spoke all my thoughts crashed and I saw his ugly side.

" No " He replied.
That's it. I'm done being sweet with this stupid.

"First u pushed me causing my heels to almost break and now u took my table. Who the hell do u think u r huh ?!? " I burst on him.

" Ur heels broke ?? Awhh... Don't worry. I'll buy u 10 more heels sweetie. " He said making me even more irritated.

" You think I can't buy myself heels ? I can create a store of them for me and I do not need ur help u jerk. I'm leaving. Can't let u waste my precious time. " I said and suddenly we heard someone hooting as we turned to the sound and saw a group of youngsters on the table he had just 'stolen' from me.

" Awh ! Poor Boy lost to his sweetie " One of them said.

I gave him a quick glance before leaving as I heard him shouting and chasing the poor guy who had announced my victory.

My heels, which I thought didn't break, were now broken and I was damn angry. I loved heels and I treated them like my baby.
He was sooo going to pay for it.
I was just thinking about how to gety revenge on him while heading towards the lounge when I again bumbed it someone.
It was none other than Sarah. I looked at her dress which was spoiled due to a big reddish orange stain on it.

" What Happened ? " we both asked at the same time making the latter laugh.

We walked towards the elevator and headed to our room.

" Sooooo, who stabbed ur stomach so bad that ur dress is red now ? " I asked making her give me a death glare from the closet as she picked out some comfy clothes.

" A jerk " she muttered.
" I was literally enjoying and has just got myself my first scoop of red velvet when that stupid, blind jerk bumped into me causing all this mess. And you know what ? HE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE!! Just showed me attitude and left " She continued with a angry face.

" Damn " was all I could manage to get out of me as I was super shocked. Someone talking like this with Sarah was new to me. She was basically the ' Dangerous Woman ' of our group.

" What about u ? Who murdered ur babies " She asked with a sympathetic face. This was one of the things common is us. WE LOVED HEELS MORE THAN ANYTHING.

" A spoiled brat " I cursed.
" I had just filled my plate with some delicious pasta, " I said my mind going back to how delicious and mouth watering it looked.
" and was getting us all a table when some dude pushed me and took the table. After that I tried scolding him and asking if he has manners to which he just replied No. And he was trying to make me lose but I showed him his place and all his friends or cousins or whoever they were announced my victory. " I said proudly.

She just gave me that 'proud of u' look and went to change while I also selected some clothes and when she came back after washing her face and removing all makeup on her PJ's, I entered the washroom to change.

I returned as we sat on the couch and talked for a long time till we both got tired and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a hectic day.

I quickly woke Sarah up and told her about it as we rushed to our window to get a peek and we saw Aisha on the stage dancing but to our bad luck those were her last steps as she ended her dance, bowed and left the stage while the place filled with applause.

After that we went to sleep thinking of a excuse for Aisha.

~ Aisha on the Dance Stage ~ ___________________________________________

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~ Aisha on the Dance Stage ~

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Byeeee ☺️😊❤️

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