// Chapter 5 //

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Pico had a nightmare as he slept next to Ben on their couch, more of a flashback of what happened yesterday at their date to McDonald's, he remembers what Grace told them, and the nightmare turned into what would happen to them both if the Fairests' found where they lived. Benjamin would be locked up in the mansion probably forever and he wouldn't be able to see him again, and they would probably turn him in to the authorities labeling him as a criminal for the rest of his life. Toughie started to cry in his sleep, holding onto Softie tighter.

Ben hadn't fallen asleep yet, as to make sure Pico was okay, he looked up at Toughie, reaching up, he started to caress the ginger's face, bringing him closer, he'd give him a little kiss on his nose to try and make him feel better. Pico calmed down a little, but he woke up still shedding tears, Ben looked at him, concern flooding his vision, "What's wrong, Toughie?"

Pico shook his head, indicating it was nothing to worry about, Benji looked genuinely worried, almost as if he'd cry for seeing the ginger cry. Pico's face turned into a worried expression, "I-It was just a nightmare...I s-swear, don't be upset, please, Softie..." Benjamin said nothing, but instead pulled Toughie into a hug, "I-I don't like seeing you cry.." Pico hugged him back, "I know... but I'm okay.. and I know you're okay too.." Ben looked at him, "You're okay now..?" the ginger nodded.

Pico turned away for a sec and coughed, while Ben ran his hand through Pico's soft ginger hair. Pico snuggled with Ben again still feeling a bit feverish. Benjamin hugged Pico closely, wanting to keep him safe, even if he couldn't do much...

Ben woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes, he was pretty tired still of course, Pico was still asleep, so he pulled out his phone so he wouldn't be bored, then went on Pinterest or Tik Tok to find funny memes. He had spent about 5 minutes and found a few hilarious ones, he then looked at Pico, and started to poke his cheek, Pico groaned and sat up, "Hey.. what is it?" Ben held up his phone, "I have some memes for you to look at." he smiled warmly. It had been a little while since Toughie had seen Ben genuinely happy, so he'd watch them, even though he would've anyway.

Toughie watched the memes and chuckled, "You're so silly, Softie, where do you find these?" "From Tik Tok!" Benjamin replied. He then thought he should make breakfast, so he got up and went to the kitchen.

Later he walked out into the living room, "Toughie, I made breakfast." he announced, then walked back to the kitchen. Pico got up and followed, rubbing his eyes, then finding two plates of biscuits and gravy on the table. He sat down, with Ben sitting next to him, "..Hope you like it..." Pico ate some and smiled at Ben, "It's great, Baby Blue." Ben got excited at Toughie's praise, and Pico gave him a head rub, making Ben lean into the ginger's touch. Pico blushed and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks for taking care of me yesterday.."

Ben nodded, "Of course..! You take care of me and protect me every day, so I should do the same for you too." "I know, you're really sweet Softie." Softie smiled warmly, then got an idea, "Can we go to the park?" Pico thought for a moment, "I dunno Softie... y-your parents are still-.." Ben looked down a little, "O-oh.. I guess you're right.." Pico looked at Softie's disappointed face and sighed, "I guess.. maybe, if we're careful, we can go?" Benji looked back up, "You sure..?" Pico nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be fine.."

"...You're not just agreeing to it because I want to, right..?" Ben asked, a bit suspicious. Pico just looked to the side, avoiding eye contact, "Would you believe a no?" he asked with a bit of a chuckle afterwards. Softie gave him one of those "you know I know" kind of looks, "You know we don't have to go.. I just thought it'd be a bit fun.." Pico scratched the back of his head, "I know but... I want you to be happy too.." "Well, I'm happy just being with you!" Ben smiled. Pico looked at Softie and blushed, "Yeah, I know Baby Blue.." Benjamin did a little sneaky thing and gave Toughie a little kiss on his nose, causing Pico to blush in surprise. Benji smiled softly, giggling a bit, Pico smirked and then kissed Softie on the lips, making the bluenette turn red, he hid his face in his hands.

Pico giggled at Softie's reaction, and Ben looked up at him with innocence in his eyes. Pico held him close and continued to give him kisses all over his face and neck, Softie made little squeak sounds, he started to giggle again. Pico continued to kiss him because he loved hearing the cute giggles and sounds he made, which made Ben continue to giggle. Pico nuzzled his face in Softie's hair and sighed, "I love you so much Baby Blue...I dunno how I ended up with someone perfect like you..." Benji blushed a bit more and smiled again, "I love you too, Toughie."

Then Trashi came in, interrupting their cuddle time. Benjamin looked down at her, "Oh, hi Trashi." he smiled. The white cat pawed at Ben's leg, so he picked her up and set her in his lap. " I guess she's hungry, I'll go get the cat food." Pico got up and left to retrieve the food. Ben nodded, then continued to pet Trashi as he was gone. Pico came back with the food and Trashi was fed, she was a happy cat now :3

Then KAPOWWWW. Both Pico and Ben earned themselves animal ears and tails, Ben a bunny, and Pico a fox.

 Both Pico and Ben earned themselves animal ears and tails, Ben a bunny, and Pico a fox

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[Credits to ME for the drawing cus I drew it :)]


Ben didn't notice the ears on himself, but he did for Pico, "Uh- Pico-? You- you have- ears and a tail-?" Pico looked down and saw the orange fox tail against his leg, "W-wha..- Holy shit-! You have em too!" Softie's eyes widen, he then noticed the floppy ears, "W-wha-?!" "The hell happened-?" Ben shrugged, "You look cute though." he smiled. Pico blushed and his tail started to wag, surprising them both. Ben covered his mouth and stared at the tail in awe, "That's so cute!"

Pico held his tail to make it stop and blushed even more, his ears went flat on his head from embarrassment, "To jest głupie..." [Translation: This is stupid...] Of course, Benji had no idea what he said and looked at him with a confused expression, but then focused back on his tail situation, "You don't have to stop your tail wagging, Toughie, it's adorable!"

"That's the point.." Pico mumbled. "Aww, you really don't gotta hide it! I mean, look at mine!" Softie's little tail wagged a bit. Pico noticed it and his ears perked up, "Your tail is.. pretty cute too..." Benjamin blushed a little, covering part of his face with his hand, and Pico let go of his tail and played with the bluenette's floopy ears, which made Ben's face flushed a bit more as his little ahoge started to wiggle and move, it caught Pico's attention.

"How do you get it to do that?" the ginger asked as he poked it curiously and watched it twitch. Benji squeaked a little, "U-um.. I don't know, really.."

"Well whatever it is... it's adorable." Pico smiled, making Ben smile too.

~ 1.2K words ~

Oh my lord I haven't done this one in a while- well- here ya go ^^

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