3 - talking stage ✧.*

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chapter 3- talking stage 

💿💿now playing: late night talking - harry styles

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now playing: late night talking - harry styles

it's been about a month since Matt and Adelia started talking.. or messaging?

And to be honest, that's all they've been doing. Nick always is asking Matt who he's texting, and each time it's 'Adelia'

Taylor asks her who she's texting.. and each time it's 'Matt'

now they don't even bother asking anymore, they just assume the other is talking to the other

While Adelia doesn't have many friends- or any friends for that matter. With her sister's popularity it's hard, she has very few. and their more like 'acquaintances' rather that friends
Everyone is either using her for popularity or her sister. hoping to maybe get a free concert ticket.

Ever since fifth grade when her big friend group would only play with her if they hung out at her house or her mom drives or her sister takes them. When she realized they were just using her, she realized everyone was just using her.
it was always her. 

But with Matt it was way different, she never felt like this with anyone else before. Taylor was barely brought up and when she was it was Adelia who brought her up.

"how are you doing"
"good except my sister is annoying me"
"good my sisters taking me out later"
"good taylor is coming over so i'm exited"
"good i'm on my way to taylor's"
"good i'm hanging out with taylor

And for Matt he constantly forgets Taylor's her sister, he isn't a swiftie or anything- but Nick is going crazy knowing he's
"one person away from Taylor Swift"
Whenever he hears Taylor on the radio he's not reminded of Taylor- but reminded of Adelia.
While Nick is screaming the lyrics he's thinking

"I wonder where Adelia was when this was recorded"
"did adelia help her with this one?"
"how old was adelia when this song came out"
"i wonder what Adelias favorite song is"

Matt didn't see her as a celebrity crush anymore, more like a friend. yes she's gorgeous but now knowing her it no longer feels like a celebrity crush- if you would've told him 2 months ago that he would be texting Adelia Swift he would have laughed in your face.
i mean- she's so perfect? why would she text a guy like him?

Matthew.sturniolo, adeliaswift

hey, you awake? i'm bored lol

LOVER ✧.* Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now