21- car video ✧.*

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chapter 21- car video

💿💿💿now playingyellow- coldplay

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now playing
yellow- coldplay

Sadly today is the last day with the triplets. but they had the best week of their lives.

especially for Matt. he got to kiss his crush of 12 years, yet friendzoned her- doesn't make sense but okay. Adelia however respects his decision and is willing to wait on him for how ever long it takes him to be ready.

Nick had a full sleepover with Adelia, and they did each others makeup and Nick became her best friend.

Chris had a great time with adelia too and her fridge was packed with pepsi after the first night for him, which he absolutely loved- he loved her dog more though.

all 3 of them ended up canceling their hotel, since they spent the majority of the time at Adelias house and taking an uber here and there and back again was a hassle. Matt slept with Adelia in her bed, and Nick and Chris slept on an air mattress by her bed- and whenever the two wanted to be together they would sleep in the guest since Taylor ended up going back to New York after she got inspiration for more songs for her album.

Matt however was not ready to leave at all. he definitely thought about staying for however long until her parents kicked him out- but Nick and Chris convinced him to come home since there was only 3 months until August then they'd never have to do long distance again. (or so they thought)

this past week Adelia has felt like she was on vacation from her mind. so did Matt. and she wasn't ready for him to go either.

but sadly he did- and so did Chris and Nick. they all decided to have one last night of fun before they had to go back to Boston

 they all decided to have one last night of fun before they had to go back to Boston

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