Before the earth was made there was nothing before an unkown being came across the vast emptiness of the space. It didn't like emptiness so it created a seed, placing it in the middle of space. As it finished placing the seed the unknown being left, the seed contained everything, man, woman, mana, good and evil, cold, hot, land, stars, water, ,dark, and light. Everything was writhing, mixing together, as the process finished a being came out of the seed. What came out of it was a kid.
With hair that embodies the stars itself, under the night sky. Each strand of hair represented something. One strand represented a galaxy, another represented the night, the shining strand of hair represented a constellation. The body showed worlds and universe, nebulas were exploding inside of its body, its body represented everything before, the lights slowly died out giving the being human looks.
The kid spent years alone in space making the stars, land, earth, universes. It gazed upon it's own creation as it looked to space seeing the night. The man looked up to the moon, he sensed someone on the moon. He went up to see a stunning lady he had never seen, butterflies were in his stomach as this was the first time he had someone this beautiful.
The lady opened her eyes to see a man in front of her staring into his eyes. As the man in front of her had azure eyes, gleaming the azures eyes came closer and stopped in front of me. 'Who are you?' The man replied with 'Kami' ....."Kami, nice name" Butterflies came into the man's heart again. The woman came closer to the man to see if he was alright, as he had red on his face. The man slowly moved back but stopped and asked her, "What's your name?" The lady had no idea how to answer that as she didn't know her name.
"I-I-I don't have one" The lady looked down at the floor. Kami understood her feelings as when he was born he didn't have a name or anyone. Kami raised his hand reaching out saying, "Lets go" I grabbed his hand and we started flying, we landed on a landscape. Filled with flowers, rivers,green, and a house in front of us.
Over the years we spent together, Kami gave me the name Tsukyomi, he taught me how to control and use my abilities. We got married after 100 years, we had kids both of them were called Ciel and Micheal.
These two kids would be widely known almost everywhere, Ciel earned her nickname queen of hell for her ruthlessness on the battle-field, and for her torture methods she also got the name wisdom king. Micheal was called the king of heroes as his kids and bloodline became the very first heroes on earth. Micheal was also called by another name Sol and Lunam, he got sol for his bright personality and kindness towards others. He got Lunam for his ruthless side, ruthless like ciel but less than ciel.
One day ciel decided to visit another world but an unkown entity known as "Voice Of The World" pulled her into a vortex making her the ability Manas:Ciel.
At the Aoki household we see Rimuru and Ichika all grown up sparring. "Zoliath" Rimuru screamed a rune circle appeared in front of him and he puts his hand into the summoning circle taking out a sword. It was radiating a lot of power, ichika surprised by this as she had never seen her brother use a sword. Was he finally taking her seriously? or was this another joke? Whatever it was she didnt care anymore. She ran towards him unleashing a fury of punches.Rimuru blocked each punch with his sword, Ichika broke his defense, forcing it into a serious fight. She swiftly changes her punch into a kick, ran takes a step back to stop the hit. Ichika appears infront of him. Ichika sees an opening and places her mana into her fist about to hit rimuru but he teleports away. Ichika's fist causes a crater right where he was standing, witnessing Ichika's physical enchantment. He coates his sword with his mana making a dark flame appear.
Rimuru seeing an opening tries to attack her weak spot but misses so he kicks. Making her slide to the right Ichika realizes that she needs to close the distance between them. She combines her fire and water magic to obscure his view. Behind him Ichika was ready to hit him, but rimuru sensed her mana signature. Making a swift dodge but leaves a scratch on his body. "You win" Ichika happy to finally land a hit on her brother jumps up and down. This brings up a memory rimuru doesn't know. "What was that" Rimuru wondered what he just saw. What memory was that? He had no recollection of this memory until now.
"Master, it seems like your brother gave you a hard time again." ---- "I know but I wonder how" wasn't she supposedly the strongest goddess alive. "Whatever it is it doesn't matter" Wisdom said. "I suppose you're right" Ayame yelled at both of them for making the 4th crater of the day, even though she was skilled in magic she didnt want to be the one fixing it. She knew her children could fix it but they never wanted to as it would repair by itself.
"Now come and eat" She pulled them both in for a hug. 'What is it" rimuru wanted to know--- "It's yours and Ichikas favorite thing" She exclaimed as this was also her favorite thing to eat. "YAKISOBA" They yelled at the same time, seeing the yakisoba they quickly ran into the house and sat down and ate.
Rimuru, The otherworldly adventure begins!
Fanfiction#dxd #cote #ttigraas #crossover Rimuru goes to another world and has fun