Chapter Thirty-Six

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Back in the car, Paige makes the announcement that she wants to see Alice and Tyler's old houses. I'm not sure if it's an actual desire or more of a distraction from the recent tension. Either way I am grateful to her for it.

Alice refuses to have us drive past Tyler's house in case his family is there but she does agrees to show us hers. It is only a couple of minutes drive from the bridge and after navigating us through the neighborhood streets, she tells me to stop.

"There," she says in a flat voice while pointing to a split level Tudor on the corner, surrounded by a extra large, perfectly manicured lawn

"That house is gorgeous!" Paige exclaims. "You grew up here?"

Even though it was modest when compared to the excessive nine bedroom house Cole and I grew up in, I could see why Paige was so impressed. Yet, the one thing that made this house stand out to me was how warm it seemed. There were two child sized bicycles dropped haphazardly in the front yard. A basketball hoop hanging over the garage. And one of the upstairs windows had a hello kitty sticker covering the glass.

This wasn't a house. This was a home.

While Paige continues to gape at the house, Alice seems to be avoiding looking that direction at all costs. Without trying, my body automatically taps into her emotions and I am hit by a wave of sorrow. Directly followed by a rush of joy and happiness. But before I could enjoy the feeling is was being tamped down by pain and a deep sadness.

"What did you say your dad did again?" Paige asks. "This place has to easily be over a million."

I needed to put an end to Alice's emotional rollercoaster ride and Paige's constant questioning wasn't going to let that happen. If I would have thought coming here would be this hard on her I would have never agreed to it. The bridge is the scene of the crash and seems to okay there. Of course I didn't imagine her house would be so hard to visit. Then again, this was her home. The place where she grew up and shared a childhood with Tyler. A place that felt safe. And right after losing her best friend she was forced to say goodbye to the solace of those four walls as well. It should have been obvious that this being here would be triggering for her.

"Where to next?" I clap my hands together, getting Paige's attention. She gives me a quizzical look and as subtly as I can, I tilt my head in Alice's direction. Thankfully she catches on immediately.

"Why don't we start heading back to the hotel," Paige suggests. "I'm sure Cole is going to lose it if he doesn't get his elevenses soon."

Right on cue, Cole's stomach lets out a monster sized growl causing everyone to burst out laughing. And with the mood now uplifted, I pull away from the curb and head away from the source of Alice's bitter sweet nostalgia.

Hoping to fully extinguish any further grey clouds for Alice, and my brother's larger than life appetite, I get an idea. Pulling out my phone I find what I am looking for and put the address into the GPS.

"Where are we going?" Alice asks while craning her head out the window in an attempt to decipher our location.

"You will see soon in enough," I tell her and reach across the seat to hold her hand in mine.

"As long as it's a place with food I don't care where we go," Cole comments. "I just hope we get there sooner rather than later."

"Don't worry little brother. We are already here," I say turning into the parking lot.

"Dave and Busters?" Paige questions.

"I don't think I have ever loved you more than I do right now," Cole says, clapping me on the shoulder and pretending to hold back his fake tears. "It's just so beautiful."

I start to feel nervous when Alice still hasn't said anything about being here, and when she starts in on her bottom lip I think I might have made a huge mistake. "So.. What do you think?" I ask.

"I think," she pauses then turns head to face me, "I really hope they have laser tag," she finishes and a slow smile spreads across her face.

Paige tells us that she needs to visit 'the whiz palace' and in typical girl fashion, tows Alice with her toward the bathrooms. Which couldn't have worked out better because this way I can place our orders and not have to worry about them trying to pay. After refusing to let me get the pizzas, and demanding to split the bill for the tacos, I was starting to get the message.

I still had a lot to learn about her, but based on what I have managed to piece together, she is used to taking care of herself. Neither of them seem to have a lot of parental supervision, which is something Cole and I can definitely relate to. And while I don't know their financial situations, I still feel weird letting them spend money on us when we have more than we could ever need.

"What were you thinking?" Cole asks while inspecting the price boards. "Do we go all out and get the premium buffets?"

"Sounds perfect."

I decide to add on four unlimited game cards and have just finished signing the credit card receipt, when Alice comes stomping towards me and I can tell she is not happy.

"Premium buffets? Seriously?"

"How did you even-" I start "Tyler. Of course." I can't believe I forgot.

"You didn't think that Paige and I should be able to order for ourselves?"

"That's why the buffet is perfect. You can eat whatever you want," I joke.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to do something nice for the two of you. Please don't be upset."

I brace myself for whatever might come next and when I see her face soften I final relax and breathe again.

"Come on," she says, "I'm afraid Cole may pass out from hunger if he has to wait any longer."

The mood seems to lift while we eat, so much that even Paige and Cole manage to go the whole time without bickering. So, when we are all beyond stuffed and it's time to move on to the games, I decide to pretend that I didn't already have buy any game cards.

Of course my ass-face brother has to open his big mouth and say, "Eli already got us play passes."

I land a swift kick to his shin under the table, but it doesn't help him get the hint. "What was that for?"

"Well, lets have them already," Paige says. "I'm ready to shoot some aliens." I toss them onto the table and Cole and Paige bolt from the table, arguing over what to play first.

"I wish you would have at least let Paige and I get the game cards," Alice scolds. "How much is on it? I am going to pay you back."

"In that case I'm not telling you," I tell her.

She narrows her eyes at me before taking off to one of the kiosks and putting her card into the machine. "Why isn't it telling me anything?" She smacks it a couple of times and then tries again. "Is this stupid thing broken or something?"

"No, Alice. It's not giving you an amount because there isn't one to show," I explain. "It's unlimited."

"And how much did this cost you?" she demands while putting her hands on her hips. I know she means to appear fierce but she looks so adorable to me that I can't help but smile at her. "What is so funny, Elijah?"

"I promise it wasn't as much as you think. Now can we please not argue about this and go have some fun?" I pucker out my bottom lip in an attempt to look pathetic, which works to make her crack a smile.

"Fine, let's fine Paige and Cole and kick their butts at some Contra," she says while heading into the crowd and her words make me feel like couldn't have picked a more perfect girl.

"Be still my heart." 

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