1- The Greek god

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(Edited) Okay I'm editing this because I just wanted to tell the new readers that I'll continue the story in April cause there's not much reads to motivate me but if I'm inspired, I'll post a chapter so just add this in your reading list if you like chapter 1;)

"Truth or dare Cassandra!?" Danielle, my best friend asked. She's my bestie for life and we've been friends since we were born so we're like sisters.

"Of course it's dare bitch!" I replied to her. We are in a party of the most hottest guy in the campus, Hendrix Campbell and everyone decided that it would be fun to play 'truth or dare'.

"Alright, I dare you to kiss Hendrix on the lips for ten seconds," She smirked up at me and I raised my brows at her. This girl is dreaming. It's not that I'm scared to kiss him, it's just... Yeah I am scared! I mean it's Hendrix freaking Campbell were talking about here.

"Can I get another dare?" I asked shyly, chickening out. Well let me tell you something about Hendrix, he is a dirty blonde, close to brunette dude with light brown eyes and sexy muscular built body but he isn't part of any sports team, let me tell you that. He flirts with girls a lot but doesn't have a girlfriend, even though he doesn't have a girlfriend and he's drop dead gorgeous, I wouldn't kiss him cause its an impossible dream.

"Well it's either him or Craig," Danielle shrugged. What a bitch. I'm her freaking best friend and what is she doing? Torturing me for fun!

"Ugh! Fine! Where the hell is Hendrix!?" I groaned and pushed myself up.

"Looking for me Cassie?" Someone whispered behind me with a deep voice. I sighed while Danielle grin menacingly behind me. I mentally face palmed myself and heat started crawling up my neck.

"Uh... Y-y-yeah..." I stuttered. I can't believe I'm about to freaking kiss this god.

Now, I'm gonna tell you something about myself. Name is Cassandra Keller, seventeen years young, hair color is brunette, eye color is freaking blue with green and I'm not skinny like a straw nor fat like a can, I'm the right size with curves, oh yeah!

I deeply breathed out and turned on my heels to see a smirking Hendrix. He's so hot! It's like you're looking at a god that's why I call him 'the Greek god'. I never really thought of kissing him in my life, well I dreamed about it but not thought of it actually happening and the opportunity is in front of me right here right now.

"H-h-hi," I stammered and he looked so amused at my expression.

"You wanna drink first?" He stretched out his arm and offered me his red solo cup filled with who knows what. Hendrix smiled at me and it made me melt inside.

"Nah, I think I'm good," I bit my lower lip and that made him smirk. Honestly speaking, he flirts. A. Lot. So you can't even tell if he wants you for real or just teasing you.

"I think you do, you're stuttering," I raise my gaze to him, blushing deep red. I don't wanna look like a complete idiot in front of Hendrix. I snatched the cup off his hands, gulping down the beverage which was rum and I regret it.

"C'mon Cassandra! Just do the dare!" Greg, one of his friend announced and every person agreed, like literally every person in the party. I don't know why they're so eager to see me kiss Hendrix, it's not a big deal.

I turned to look at the Greek god and he playfully shrugged. Am I really gonna do this? I swallowed down deeply and his eyes landed on my neck. My tummy began to flip and my heart was beating fast. Oh god!

"Well I guess you have to do the dare Cassie," Hendrix is the only person who calls me by 'Cassie', even my friend calls me by my full name, which is Cassandra or Cass.

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