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△ Rebecca △

I better hide so those jocks will stop bothering me. They bully me and call me names.

I hid in the corners of the lockers as the dim light could not shine on it. It was me and the jocks playing " hide a seek". Everyone went home. A while ago, the jocks were in detention and i was in the library. I cursed myself that never study for like two hours on my schedule.

It was the last light of day. And it was about to shine on the corner. Oh shit!!! Shithead!!!

I creeped to the principal's office and locked it. As i walked in, there was this guy searching and throwing papers everywhere. I decided to take a step back, instead i stumbled and hit my head. Suddenly, i heard footsteps coming towards me.

Oh no!! The jocks!!

A face popped out of nowhere stared at me.

" shhh!!!! You better be quiet!! Those jocks can steal these cheat sheets from me... " he whispered.

He had those dreamy eyes and yellow bright hair. His arms were broaded enough for a hot guy.

His face startes to blur and so was the world. He dragged me under the table to hide with him. As i got in place, the jocks busted in and walked in. He covered my mouth because i was whimpering too much.

" She was here. " one jock said.

Oh fuck!!! I left my glasses on the floor. That's why the world was blurring and they found out maybe i'm still here. Lord!! You own me big time!!!

" Whoa guys. She might be still here. " the second jock said.

" That little rat must have used the back door. Lets split up. " the third one said. They rushed out the door one by one.

He peeked out the table. I asked him if he coast was clear, instead, he shush me and turned his back.

As i peeked out, one of the jocks was starting at the table. He did not see me but he was coming closer......

And closer.....

" Penn!! Get your ass down here!! " a guy said in a black version.

He left the room as we got up. He took the sheets and pulled me to the secret door the principal has. I rushed outside to see my bike. Before i could get on,
The guy asked for my name.

" Wats your name?" He said in a sexy voice.

" Rebecca. Yours?" I smiled. He smirked playfully and smiled.

" Tyler. " he answered. Before i could say anything,
The jocks ran out the building seeing us both.

" There she is !! Get her!!" One of them said.
They ran towards me.

" Get in the car!!" He screamed.

" No time. Gotta go!! " i smiled.

△ Tyler △

" no time. Gotta go!! " she smiled. I hid behind the car and watched her sprint down the road.

" Come back you dirty rat!! " one of the jocks shouted.

" I prefer rascal!! " she yelled.

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