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⚠️Deep/Dark themes, slight gore/blood, possible trigger. Please be warned-⚠️

🔴🐢- Her normal personality is soft, caring, sweet, and kind. It's not easy to anger her, but when you do you'll wish you didn't. She suffers from anger issues, so she will sometimes hurt someone by blind rage when she is mad. When she does though, she will smother them with apologies (and in Y/n's case affection if he's/she's/they're okay with it) and do anything to be forgiven

🟣🐢- At first sight they can seem kind of cold and not someone who's very expressive. Once you get to know them they're extremely expressive, caring (even if they don't show it), ambiverted, and sometimes a little bit shy. It doesn't take too much to annoy them, but it's rare they'll get very mad at someone.

🟠🐢- Right away they're very extroverted, expressive, energetic, hyperactive, creative, and colorful. They never fear to show their true colors and if people don't like it, they just shrug it off and say "their loss, not mine". They don't get annoyed or angry often but they do get annoyed when they're being babied or when they're told they're too small for something. What gets them mad is if someone is too aggressive to them or someone they care about.

🔵🐢 - Just like Mikey, right away he's very expressive and can be seen a bit cocky. Once you get to know him he shows his softer parts to them and will still be a little bit cocky, but not as much. His main personality is expressive, energetic, kind of narcissistic, and funny. He can get annoyed easily, but it's random whatever he gets mad at.

🔴🐢- Raph represents the Trans flag, Demigirl flag, and Pansexual flag

🟣🐢- Donnie represents the Nonbinary flag, Demisexual flag, and Bisexual flag

🟠🐢- Mikey represents the Genderfluid flag and Pansexual flag

🔵🐢- Leo represents the Femboy flag and Bisexual flag (If you see my youtube channel, my headcanon will say Gay. I change it for my wattpad stories so it can be neutral to all genders)

🔴🐢- She will start carrying Y/n with no hesitation whatsoever, she'll always try to find an excuse to hold her/him/them and smother her/him/them with all her love.

🟣🐢- They aren't usually the one for physical attention, but Y/n is their one exception. If Y/n wants a hug, Donnie will give her/him/them one. If Y/n wants a kiss, Donnie will give her/him/them one. It's rare though that they're the one to hug or kiss Y/n first.

🟠🐢- Similar to Raph, they'll always try to find an excuse to cuddle and smother Y/n with all their love. Unlike Raph though, they're usually the one to be carried instead.

🔵🐢- He's usually very flirty and lovey-dovey with Y/n, also calling her/him/them nicknames and teasing her/him/them sometimes. He'd smother Y/n with as much kisses and attention as he'd/she'd/they'd want.

🔴🐢- After the krang she has a deep gash on her left eye which makes that eye %50 blinded. 

That's her main scar, but her entire left arm is a lighter shade of green which is her scar from the krang mutification

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That's her main scar, but her entire left arm is a lighter shade of green which is her scar from the krang mutification.

🟣🐢- Their softshell has cuts and such all over it, they're scared in a specific pattern that came from the krang ship.

The krang ship had also affected Donnie's brain, which led to nerve and brain damage that they luckily recovered from after 3 months

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The krang ship had also affected Donnie's brain, which led to nerve and brain damage that they luckily recovered from after 3 months. But to this day, their different senses will start to worsen temporarily or they'll get severe migraines/headaches. They also have scars on their wrists and a little on their arms, not from the krang attack but from themselves. Luckily though, Donnie has moved past that and doesn't do it anymore but the scars can still be vaguely seen

🟠🐢- Their hands are covered with burn scars that are similar to the pattern on Donnie's shell 

🟠🐢- Their hands are covered with burn scars that are similar to the pattern on Donnie's shell 

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Luckily, that is all they got for physical damage. Mentally, they'll still have flashbacks while looking at their scars for too long and usually cover them up.

🔵🐢- Leo had it worse when it came to physical damage, I won't go too much into detail for the sake of not making this too long-. But here's the basic stuff: He had a lot of internal bleeding, his shell cracks took much longer to heal because of how much impact was put on it, at one point the others thought Leo's brain was bleeding (thank god it wasn't though-), he had a concussion, and he lost a hell ton of blood.

🔴🐢- When Y/n is upset, she will do whatever it takes to comfort her/him/them. Whether it be a simple hug or letting her/him/them lay on her chest, Raph's willing to do it. What Raph will do usually is scoop her/him/them into her arms and whisper praise to her/him/them between soft kisses on his/her/their forehead, cheeks, lips, hands, and sometimes neck/shoulders (if Y/n's comfortable with it- and that's not sexual, it's just something Raph would do)

🟣🐢- When Y/n is upset, Donnie will try their best to comfort her/him/them even though they're not the best with emotions. What they'll usually do is rub her/his/their back softly and sometimes give her/him/them a gentle kiss. If that doesn't work, cuddles usually do the job.

🟠🐢- Similar to Raph, Mikey will do anything to cheer Y/n up. Whether it's cooking his/her/their favorite meal or simple cuddles, Mikey's on it. What will usually help Y/n though is Mikey's warm hugs and being smothered with kisses on their cheeks, forehead, and lips.

🔵🐢- When Y/n is upset or uncomfortable, usually Leo's affection will cheer he/him/them up. Whether it's cuddling or passionate kisses, Leo's willing to give her/him/them the attention he/she/they want when upset.

🔴🐢- Raph is the oldest at age 18

🟣🐢- Donnie is 3rd oldest at 17 (2 month difference with Leo)

🟠🐢- Mikey is youngest at 16

🔵🐢- Leo is 2nd oldest at 17 (2 month difference with Donnie)

🔵🐢 + 🟣🐢- Even though they're not twins, they still consider each other twins since they're so close in age. And because Leo thought for the longest time the two actually were twins- (Leo found out the truth at 6- but didn't tell anyone he knew untill 7) 

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