Yandare Headcanons

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*I was bored, so decided to make this- Inspired by @Turtlez87*

Warnings: Stalking, kidnapping, murder, physical abuse, mental abuse, torture.



The reason she'd go Yandare is because of either jealousy or she was starting to doubt Y/n truly loved her.

At first, they'll start noticing Raph being clingy a lot more often and being annoyed when Y/n's talking to other people who could potentially be with them. Even her siblings.

After 2 months of this, Y/n'll suddenly wake up in Raph's bed one night when they could've sworn you were in the bed when you fell asleep. She'll be clinging onto them tightly, but wake up when they do.

"I hope you don't mind, Strawberry... I just really missed you last night..."

After that point, she has Donnie put a tracker on Y/n and she'll follow them anytime they leave the lair. Wether they know or not. Y/n notice her sometimes, and tries to ignore it. But it always creeps them out and they get scared that their always being watched.

Sometimes when they fall asleep in their apartment they wake up in Raph's bed with her. Y/n can almost never go to a friends house and sleep over, they're always right back with Raph in the morning.

Raph will never hurt them, or anyone really. Unless they hurt Y/n first, it's likely Y/n will see that same person found dead the next day.

This'll continue for a long period of time, around 2-3 months. Eventuality Raph will start to get less paranoid. She'll let you go out alone more often and attendant more sleepovers without any "incidents". Raph will apologize multiple times once she fully goes back to normal and will try to make it up to them.


He'd go Yandare because of jealousy or because Y/n broke his trust, probably because they got too close to one of his siblings. It may also be because he misread a situation (Ex: Y/n fell and hit one of his siblings, but they landed on top of them and it looked like Y/n was pinning them to the floor)

He would not hesitate, he'd portal Y/n to himself as soon as he lost it.

" Hola, Mi Amor~ ¿Puedo quedármelo para mí? Just for a little~? " (Hello my love~ can I keep you for myself?)

After that day, Leo was almost never let Y/n leave the lair unless they're with him. He always had to be within Y/n's reach.

Whenever Y/n does sneak out, Leo will eventually find out. When he does, he'll usually punish Y/n in some way. Wether it's tying them up for a few days of physical abuse. He makes sure to patch them up after though if he abuses them.

He'll sometimes call Y/n "My Pet" which scares them. They're usually only called it when they're in trouble.

Leo would only harm Y/n when he's torturing them, in the physical sense. He's constantly breaking Y/n down mentally though. Wether it's on purpose or on accident.

This will continue for up to 3 months, until Leo finally snaps out of it. He'll know what he's done, and apologize to Y/n multiple times. Also making sure any injuries he caused were properly taken care of. Of course Y/n needs time to heal mentally, and Leo respects that. And after a little bit of therapy and time to process, they'll be okay after a few weeks.


I'll try to make a part 2 for the others soon-! But this is already over 500 words- I don't wanna make it too long.

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