The Meeting

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     Sabine had felt as though it were for the best if Shin came along—for everyone's sake. The New Republic wouldn't want whom they considered to be a dangerous dark jedi roaming the halls, and Sabine wouldn't have wanted to leave her either. So she offered her an arm for support in getting up, and the two of them gladly followed Hera.

     Shin kept her arm linked with Sabine's the entire way, until Hera got them to the meeting room and gestured for both of them to have a seat with her at the end of the table, where everyone else was either waiting in person or waiting to be commed-in via a holocall for ease of everyone's location and schedule.

     Sabine took her seat, and waited for the appropriate time to speak—to introduce both Shin, and her cause... and so that way she could get her own two cents in, before anyone else. "I'm glad to be here today, everyone... as you may know, I brought Shin Hati into custody to share with us whatever she may know about the search for the Admiral... but she's willing to help, on her own accord." She paused for a moment, and glanced at Shin. "In exchange for her knowledge, and *help* in aiding our quest... I just ask that I be allowed to be responsible for her. I know her better than anyone here."

     Shin nodded when Sabine introduced her almost as a way of greeting these members of the New Republic—as threatening as it seemed in ways to her. She didn't expect to be sitting in a room full of so many important figures that should have, by all means, been her enemies. "I am... I am willing to help you in the quest to find the missing Grand Admiral and the general's missing Ezra Bridger." She glanced briefly to Hera.

     One of the chancellors who had joined through a holocall looked quite perplexed, his eyebrows raising as he looked between Hera, Sabine, and Shin. "And what's in it for you? Why the sudden change of heart?"

     After giving a weak shrug, Shin began to speak again. "My eyes were opened... when someone showed me a kindness no one ever had before."

     Sabine felt a light smile tug on her lips, as she cast a glance in Shin's direction, before looking back towards the Chancellors. "I trust that she's going to help us, and more importantly... I trust her. At least enough to be confident in utilizing her help... with your permission, of course. Though I'll assume... full responsibility, for everything."

     "And if Sabine trusts her, I see no reason why we shouldn't as well. Sabine has always had some of the best intuition on my team." Hera spoke up.

     "Then I say we give her the chance... we've given others the chance to be a part of our cause—former imperials, former rogues, people from all walks of life." A Senator chimed in, glancing over at the Chancellor who spoke before as a sly smile pulled at her face. "And let us not forget, Chancellor, your wife came from an Imperial political background—and look at her now."

     "You... bring up quite the fair point." The Chancellor cleared his throat. "Then I personally don't see any issue with Commander Wren overseeing Miss Hati while she's with us... she's taking full accountability and that's all I could ask. Is everyone else in agreement?" He asked, looking around everyone else being spoken too—and it looked like the general consensus was yes.

     Although she didn't let it show, Sabine was *very* relieved in that moment. "Thank you, Chancellor." She sat back in her seat, gesturing for Shin now—since this was a briefing mission after all. "Now please, turn your attention to Miss Hati, and allow her to tell us everything she knows about Morgan Elsbeth, and Grand Admiral Thrawn."

(A bit of a shorter chapter, but the next one is worth it 😘)

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