Uneasy Landings

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The past ten years had been... a rollercoaster. The fall of the Empire. The rise of the New Republic. Being hailed as a commander, as a hero... while mourning someone that perhaps didn't care for her, in the same way she had cared for him.

Once upon a time, Sabine and Ezra had been close... very close. Although they were both still teenagers, their relationship progressed in such a way that she truly, truly believed they'd have a future together... until tragedy struck. When Ezra went missing in his quest to stop Grand Admiral Thrawn... he'd left a message for Sabine. A message apologizing to her for leaving... while telling her that in a way, she was practically a sister to him. It was constant punches to the face, which left her confused, saddened—and most of all, angry. Anger that she'd harbored for ten years, just banking on distant chances and fleeting hopes that someday she'd see him again, even if she knew that their reunion... wouldn't end in them being together. And she would be okay with that. They were best friends, and they always had been... it's just that they would only be best friends... and maybe by now, she could live with that.

Which brought her to the past several months. It hadn't been easy. With tracking Thrawn alongside Ahsoka, to being *stabbed* by a woman who utilized the force in... darker ways. The Sith didn't seem to stop even when the Empire fell—they always rose out of the ash and fire, and someone had to keep them in check. Which is why Sabine currently had her—Shin Hati—under arrest for treason against the New Republic. She was still pretty peeved at her, for causing such a serious injury, but that wasn't her main priority at the moment. Her priority was to get them both safely to the Capitol, to tell them *whatever* she knew about the Grand Admiral...

Shin stood quietly on the transport for quite a while, hands bound with metal cuffs in hopes that she wouldn't attempt to draw a weapon or use the force in her favor against Sabine. After all, she had injured the other woman pretty badly in one of their last encounters... and that's probably why she had felt some pity in her soul to come along with the former rebel—not to mention she may have been able to report back any of her newfound information during this trip about the New Republic to Morgan and Baylan.—but if she truly didn't want to be here, she could have fought her way out of this. She knew she could get herself out of any situation she needed to once arriving at the base for interrogation. How badly could this go?

Since the silence was beginning to truly dawn on the darkside user, she eventually turned her head in Sabine's direction in quite a calculated way. "How much longer? I'm getting tired of travel." She said in a way that seemed a lot more soft spoken than anyone would have ever expected from her. She didn't look like the type to own this gentle, monotoned and accented voice.

Sabine had pretty much decided to ignore the other woman, knowing she would be far too snarky in any conversation with her—especially because of how badly she'd injured her. She was still holding a grudge against her for it. She flipped some more switches on the transport ship, not bothering to look back in her direction... but caring enough to at least respond. "You're not very patient. You'd never survive a day with Ahsoka." She said very plainly. "It isn't that much further, you'll be fine." That was in fact the case, although as she said this... the transport rocked slightly, as if something were amiss, causing Sabine to snap her focus back to flying, immediately tightening her grip on the controls. "Just—don't bother me right now, hold on."

"I can be patient when I'd like to. Being a captive is not a time when I'd like to." Shin mostly muttered to herself before she more intensely peaked over Sabine's way. "It doesn't look like your ship is doing what it's supposed to. It doesn't feel quite like it, either." She seemed to sound ever so slightly nervous, even if her expression was fighting to stay as neutral as always.

"Is a little turbulence worrying you? Funny how it didn't seem to worry you when you were trying to shoot me out of the sky before." Sabine muttered back, before swearing under her breath as she felt the ship get hit—likely with a passing asteroid that she hadn't accounted for. It seemed to happen so quickly as the emergency alarms started going off, the engine began to fail—and she quickly grabbed Shin's arm to pull her down into the seat beside her, if only so she could try and brace them for the crash that was about to happen. "Hold on! We're hit!-" It was all she could get out as the ship spiraled into the orbit of the nearest planet, which they *promptly* crashed into, despite Sabine's best efforts.

"I didn't purposely shoot just at you, I was trying to shoot your Jedi friend from the sky as well. Mostly her." Shin felt the need to correct before she was dragged into the co-pilot's seat, in where she looked slightly more concerned than before. "This isn't good—not at all!" She yelled out, bracing herself before the ship hit the ground.

As the impact was made, Shin felt the metal of the handcuffs she was wearing break apart since she slammed against the front console directly placed in front of the chair she resided in. The force of it all also caused minor injuries all over, with a more serious cut from a sharp edge felt on the left side of Shin's rib cage. Great. She was stuck with a member of the New Republic and she was injured.

By the time they'd—well, crashed—on the planet, Sabine tried to get her priorities straight pretty quickly—the first being, she wanted to access her situation, with being stranded and having a prisoner on board... which clearly didn't look like it was going well, when she realized her wrists were no longer bound. But beyond that... she was clearly injured, evident by the blood that was soaking through her tunic. She glanced down at the broken console, knowing that sending a distress signal was pretty much out of the question at that moment... which meant it was just the two of them.

"You're hurt." She said as if it weren't obvious, unbuckling herself from the seat, and ignoring any mild injuries she herself had sustained as she took the other woman's arm. "Come on, you'll bleed out like that... I would know, since my injury was similar."

Shin took a second to remove all of the crumpling metal from around her wrists, not wanting it there since it was already discomforting enough after such impact. After looking at Sabine when her arm had been taking into a hold once again, she looked down at the blood beginning to stain the tunic. "I suppose it's just karma for what I did to you... but there's no proper medical staff out here. I don't think you and some kolto patches can do much, Wren."

"Don't underestimate me, I can do a lot." She shook her head, leading her to the back of the transport—what part of it was still mostly intact anyway, having her sit back against the wall, as she dug around for what medical supplies she had. "You're right, this is karma. Though it'd be a shame to let you die... I managed to survive, so you'll survive too."

Shin sat very gratefully, even if she wouldn't dare let herself express that to Sabine. She couldn't deny that she hurt, that she was scared, that the feeling of her blood leaving her body was frightening. "Oh yes, because I have to survive to tell your New Republic all about the Grand Admiral." Shin shot out in a snarky tone.

"Would you rather die in the back of a broken ship, or would you rather *help* some people out, save some lives?" She raised an eyebrow, reaching over to gently move her tunic, just enough to start tending to her wound. "I know you don't care, but some of us don't want others to suffer... that's why I'm even helping *you*."

The second Sabine began to clean the wound, Shin felt a sting strong enough to cause her to hiss through her teeth for a moment. "I don't know why you care... it's not like this galaxy has ever done anything for you, why would you do so much for it...?"

Sabine backed off just a bit, sympathetic enough to go a bit gentler with cleaning the wound, as she glanced up at her. "You don't know that. You don't know anything about me. The galaxy is home to a lot of people I care for.. taking care of the galaxy is one way I take care of them."

Shin had been looking off to the side, having no interest in seeing how severe her wound had been in its freshest state. "It's not your responsibility to take care of everyone. In life it's best to take care of yourself and anyone immediate you care for." She shrugged. "But maybe *I* am the one who has this all wrong... who knows."

"Maybe you are." Sabine stated very matter of fact, gently applying some bacta patches to help aid in the healing, before bandaging up her cut. "You're bleeding out in the back of this ship, and I'm helping you... because it's the right thing to do, not because it's my responsibility. Maybe someday... you could understand that." She sighed, pulling away once her wound was taken care of. "It'll be okay until we get help, just take it easy..."

(Surprise! Your girl is back 🥹😘 this is co-written by Starry_Writer , my lovely girlfriend who writes anything with Shin. We hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for more shinbine content 👀)

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