The First Month

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Two weeks had past since Seth had found Kate. Most people were suspicious of him at first but a few had started to accept him as a member of survivors.

A few days ago more zombies had been spotted in the forest, getting closer to their camp everyday. The rules started to become more stricter. "Nobody leaves camp alone, from now on we go in two's; three's at most." Jordan addressed the group. Most of the camp was in a new large tent in the center of their semi circle.

A large fold-up table was in the center, even though it was empty. On the other side was a large chalkboard with a list of days and tasks for everyone, before it wasn't needed but since the increase in zombies more tasks required more people.

"Kate it's your run again. Um, I guess you should take Seth with you as no one else will." She gave a little nod before exiting the tent.

Against the trailer, at the back of the truck, a step ladder leaned against it with some rocks around the base for support. On top, Seth sat cross legged facing away from camp; the sun shining onto his face and across his shiny black hair.

He still wore his black clothes which he was wearing when she first met him. He turned his head slightly, eyes closed. "What's todays job?" He asked.

"Why do you think that I didn't come up here to check on you?"

"Because nobody else trusts me and probably don't care if I'm okay so I don't feel you would be much different." His bluntness carried a sadness. She did care but also had eight other people to care for as well.

"It's our day for the trap run."

"Again?" He complained.

"Unless you want to starve." Kate stated.

"Why don't we stockpile cans of food from town and store them in camp?" Seth asked turning around fully.

"We don't go into town." She held back tears. "Too many bad memories." Seth stood up and walked over.

"Fine." He huffed. He began climbing down the ladder with his metal pole in hand and his handgun was most likely on him as well.

They passed Keith who was on watch in the tree, grumbling behind Seth's back, and then past the tents which had been extended outwards to make room for another tent. Finally they stepped over knee high wire that was attached to the trees around the outside of camp.

After a long and peaceful walk the two arrived at the first trap, which was unfortunately empty. They continued and filled up some bottles full of water from the stream and collected a few animals from some traps, only two hares.

"Fuck!" Kate cursed. "Dammit. Why?"

"What's wrong? Aren't we heading back?" Seth asked.

"There's only two."

"I know, I can count."

"There's nine people to feed. There isn't going to be enough." Kate sat down on a broken log. "Last time we met you so it wasn't an issue but now there is nothing else, nowhere el..." She slowly looked up at Seth. "We can't." She said firmly.

Seth sighed, "We'll decide at camp." He said, offering his hand. On the trip back they encountered two zombies, they decided to avoid them though because of the lack of food.

"You've not asked toady." Seth noted.

"You don't answer."

"Is something wrong at camp." Kate looked at Seth and then back to the path. "Tell me. Stop keeping me out of the loop."

"We need to move camp." She almost whispered. "But we-" Seth silenced her with a wave of his hand. They both stopped walking and looked around. "What is it?" Kate whispered.

"It can't be." He whispered back a bit louder.

"Tell me." She insisted.

"You should keep me in the loop then." He took a step to his right before he turned back. "Stay here." He then disappeared behind the trees. Kate looked around, staying mostly in the spot he had told her too. Finally the rustling of bushes panicked her, she took a step back and readied her knife; two blackbirds flew out.

"Thank fuck." She gasped a sigh of relief. Dry leaves crunched behind her. Kate turned around, knife in front. A slender girl, about Kate's age, stood; aiming an arrow at her.

"Put the knife down, p-please." The girl said, her voice wavering. She had long, sandy brown hair which came just below her shoulders; sparkling blue eyes and thin pink lips.

"Only if you put that bow down first." Kate replied, summoning every ounce of courage she had.

The girl shook her head, "I can't. I'm sorry but-"

"Lower the bow." Seth said, unseen by Kate. Slowly and reluctantly the girl sheathed her arrow. Seth made a wide arc around the girl, handgun aiming at her at all times. She had her head lowered, being covered by her hair, and was trembling slightly.

Slowly she raised her head, fresh tears on her cheeks; making her eyes turn red. "I'm sorry, I just need help. My... My God, it's..." Her eyes were locked onto Seth's. He lowered his gun.

He swallowed nervously, "S-Sam?"

"Hi." She replied cautiously.

"How did you, you know." He began, pointing too her stomach.

She smiled slightly, "turns out my m-mother used to be a paramedic for the front lines."

"You know her?" Kate asked.

"Sam's the girl who saved my life." Seth said. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"It's my mother..."


"We can't." Jordan said, swiping his blonde hair to the side. "We don't have the medicine to spare."

"Then let's go into town." Seth suggested.

"Why? So you can help your dying girlfriend's mum and lose maybe half of our camp while doing so."

"Then let me go alone." He argued back.

"Fine! No one's stopping you. Go ahead, go." Jordan snapped. Seth turned and stomped out off the tent. Everyone was waiting outside, listening to everything.

"Seth, you don't have to help. I could always go and find someone else." Sam said.

"No, by then she'll be dead." And you could get hurt. He thought.

"But your group..."

"Don't accept me. Or trust me." He finished for her.

"I do." Kate said, staring intently on Seth. "So I'm coming with you."

"No your not." Jordan commanded, stepping out of the tent.

"Yes I am! Tasks involve two or three people depending on how tough they will be, we now have three people." Seth had finished putting on a spare backpack. "And we need to go because we're out of food." Kate was already ready and began to push Seth and Sam ahead of herself.

Thank you, Kate. Seth found himself thinking as they walked away before stepping over the wire surrounding the camp.

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