Town Centre

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Keith stepped over the knee high wire surrounding the perimeter of their camp. The sun was at it's peak in the sky casting an array of green shades through the forest canopy. He started a slow jog in the direction the trio had gone a minute earlier.

"Why do you have to be so careless Kate?" He sighed quietly to himself. He stepped over a large tree root and stumbled on the dry mud into a clearing of trees. The new girl had her bow drawn while Seth and Kate held knives.

"What are you doing Keith?" Kate asked. His face flushed bright red for a moment. They sheathed their weapons.

"This mission is too dangerous with only three people, going into the unknown and then into an ex-bandit camp, you'll need the help." He replied keeping a calm voice.

Kate was about to say something but Seth spoke first. "Cool, we might need someone to carry the medicine." Seth caught Kate's gaze, "and the food, obviously."

Keith grumbled silently before Kate agreed. "Let's just keep moving, I don't want to be in town when it's dark." They all agreed quietly then continued to press forward through the trees.


Seth and the girl walked ahead talking casually, making Seth smile and grin. Anger flared in Kate's stomach. Two weeks and I've never made him look that happy.

"So, any thoughts on her?" Keith asked.

"No, not really." She lied.

"What's her name anyway?"

"I think Seth called her Sam, maybe. Then again I was panicked, I could've heard wrong." Kate replied.


"I know right, I mean how on earth do you not realise, right?" Seth grinned. An odd glow seemed to highlight him.

"Anyway, I think we should talk seriously. From everything I've heard it sounds bad, like really bad, so we need a plan of where to go." Sam said smiling.

"Your right."

"Obviously." She joked.

"I wish I'd have met you before all this." Seth said. She stopped walking causing him to turn around. Her smile grew.

"Me too."

"Me too what?" Kate asked.


"Nothing." Sam grinned, "just chatting."


They were nearing the edge of the forest. Their talking had quieted but they were still arguing on where to go.

"We need to go west, to the main Asda." Keith said.

"No we keep going around town and get to Tesco." Kate said.

"But Asda is bigger and closer-"

"So it has a larger chance of being already looted." Kate interrupted him.

"No, we go east to the pharmacy, not many people know about it and the reason we're out here is for medicine for my mum!" Sam said, irritated.

They continued suggesting their ideas, getting louder and more violent in their words.

"Why don't we go straight to the town centre?" Seth asked quietly.

"What?" They all asked harshly.

"What about the town centre, the shopping district?"

"No," Kate disagreed first. "Too dangerous."

"Okay, one; we don't know that as we've not been. Two; it's quicker than going across the whole of the town looking for an unlooted shop. And three; it means we can split up and look for food and medicine at the same time, in one building." They stood in the forest, still.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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