Do they love me? I wonder if they do sometimes. Do they really love me? Or is it fake . In the first part I mentioned my friend H. I don't know if she loves me .She is kind of dry with me sometimes and gets mad if I keep on doing something. Basically acting like myself. She is my best friend and all and I should love her like how I love my other best friends. Why would she love me if she'd choose to kill me out of me, Y and E. E is understandable because E is her favourite. But Y? Y left her me and E for someone else then came back crawling to us. She even called me the worst person ever. That was the past and I let it go. She is still my favourite. Or maybe she isn't? I was there when Y left H and E and they still could choose her over me. I mean who wouldn't want to be Y favourite friend. I am her favourite right now or am i? Does she really love me as a best friend? Or is it all just fake . I could say the same about E and H. E is like my twin but when I want to go and talk to Y she just blocks me whenever I want to. Even when I want to hug Y . She blocks me. This is the bad thing about her. And I really really
It. So i think she does not really love me. Also for Y . I guess you could say there's probably only a few people who love me. My neighbor / sister and my
Family. Maybe.