{Chapter Prologue: Through fire, and chaos, and intense lost..}

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{I was incharge of keeping 100 people alive, along side My 10 man team, I was responsible for all of their lives...}

*Panic and chaos as Atlanta was being evacuated, as the Dead was proving too much for the national guard to handle, I was sent out to aid, but someone was bit...*

Jackson: Sir!, We are having an issue to the back!!!!....*My eyes widen behind My helmet as I turned seeing walkers have somehow made it*

Conner: SHIT ONE OF THEM WAS INFECTED!!!...*One yells out as Chaos broke*

{It was chaos I lost 100 people, and 6 of My men in an blink of an eye...as We ran through the city alley's...trapped, with an wall only enough time for one to climb up...}

George: Dammit!!...*As We looked, Me, George, Conner and Jackson along with Tanner were the only ones left*

Tanner: *Bit His lip, I knew Tanner for 4 Years.* Bos...*I looked at His face, I shook My head*

Boston: *I as He nodded firmly* No!!, We all get out of this together!...*I protested* I will not-..

Conner: *Lands His hand on My shoulder* Sir Your the one that needs to live...We'll make it somehow, get Your ass up now....*I looked at Them, They all smiled bravery, as Tanner gets set up with the boost*

{I lost My men and 100 people that day, people I was responsible for...died on My watch...I never got to see if They lived, no bodies were found at least not theirs...soon after an week in, I found an Group of survivors, with three Familiar people...My nephew Carl Grimes, and and My two best friends, Lori and Shane, I decided to keep My identity an secret afraid of Them seeing what Soldier the Military made Me become...They had others, Two Hunter men, Merle Dixon and His Younger Brother, Daryl, two Sisters Andrea Harrison, Amy Harrison,with an nice old Man Dale, two nice colored fellows T-Dog and Jacqui, Jim, then the Peletire family, Carol and Ed Peletire with Their Daughter Sophia, ED was an toxic prick...but I can manage to handle Them all well..}

*I hummed as I chopped down some logs, making sure We had plenty of fire wood, I made sure there was some outer defenses so no walker surprises, as I fed some fire the two little ones come over to Me*

Carl: Mr.Jacks...*I looked down at Carl, kneeling down*

Boston: *They seem shy a bit* Yes little ones?...*I asked Them*

Sophia: *They looked adorable not gonna lie* Can We listen to Your stories again?...*She asked nicely, I hummed a bit*

Boston: *I looked towards Lori and Carol* Only if Your Mother's are okay with it?..*The two women looks at Us then nods with smiles*

Lori: *as They hang up clothes on hanging wire* Sure as long as You keep the stories in a kid manor, then yes...*I nodded to them as I walked over to the fire leaning back, the Kids sat in front of Me*

Boston: *I think on top of My head* ..Okay, this one is about the Knight and His group of other Knights, They traveled long ways to an kingdom called Forka, as an desperate King and Queen is in need of help again an feral orges that threaten Their Kingdom...*The kids listened in total awe, everyone storta gathered listening in interest* then one by one the knights and the Knight himself all take down these Feral beast, to save the one and only Princess and Prince..whom were captured by the beasts...but unfortunately thr Princess was the only survivor as the Prince..*Sighs* the Prince was slain by the beasts...*The Kids frown in sadness* if only there was an miracle, but maybe there is....*Their eyes brightens* the Knight steps forward pulling out an scroll, but this scroll comes in great sacrifice...the knight would attach His life force to the Prince, forever bonding Their souls...if one dies They both die...ending an risky happily ever after...*The kids cheer happily, as the adults chuckles and laughs*

Dale: *Sits down as He held an smile* I know that story well, it was on an nice book...*I nodded to Him*

Boston: *I seemingly smiled* It was one I wanted to tell My nephew...but unfortunately I can never tell Him...*I said, Lori eyes furrowed*

Lori: *She bit her lip* "Reminds Me of Boston....I wish He was here right now..." *She thought painful*

°After an bit°

*I checked our supplies, and We are running low, I hummed as I went over to Shane who was talking to Dale, as I tapped His shoulder He looks*

Boston:  Officer Walsh, You got an minute?...*I asked, He nodded as He tells Dale goodbye We walked behind the RV* We need to send an supply group to Atlanta...*His eyes widen, as He sucked in some air*

Shane: *He sighed thinking, after an bit He nodded* We ain't' got no choice then, okay We see who can volunteer to head over, they take Your truck, along with one of Ours, You can take them to Atlanta get the supplies We need...*I nodded to Him, as I was about to walk off* Hey wait...*He stops Me, with an hand to My shoulder* why do You wear the helmet?...*I sighed a bit*

Boston: *I looked at Him* if You seen whom I became by just looking at My face, You wouldn't know who I am after anymore..*His hand loosens as I walked off* Alright everyone!, need some volunteers to come with Me to the city, We need supplies, if You don't wanna go that's completely fine, but We need stuff for camp and it all is in Atlanta...*Everyone looked some seem hesitate, T-DOG and Morales, and Glenn stepped up*

Morales: *Nods to Me* We'll goo..*Jacqui and Andrea step up as well* 

Jacqui: *They nod to a bit* We will go to...*They said, I nodded to Them*

Merle: *Waves a bit* I'll go to big man, You need some help keeping the flook save...*Laughs, Daryl shakes His head*

Boston: *I hummed* You better keep Your mouth shut then, I ain't no mood for Your rude remarks...*He nods with shrug as We get packing for the trip* "Let's hope We find enough..." *I thought to Myself as I got into My Humvee*

" *I thought to Myself as I got into My Humvee*

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~TimeSkip, New Chapter~

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