you go out in the snow

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usually you would not go outside in the snow unless he had to go to his look out bench and so when you'd both arrive at the bench there would be like a inch of snow and its the perfect height for you to play in


you will not stop a foot in the freezing cold but he picks you up and throws you but Frisk comes to your rescue and they keep you warm and away from Sans


he would ask you to come out into the snow but if you didnt want to that was fine but when you would he would get all excided maybe a little to much lets just say the snowball fights turn into snow ball wars


right when you fall into the feet of snow your gone, he lost ya, and he's freaking the fuck out until he found you a few ours later back in the house sleeping next to pap covered up in a blanket


you and him preferer to stay inside where its warm


you hate the cold you hate the snow and you hate the season winter but most of all it scares you


once again instead of snow ball fights its snow ball wars

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