S1-E2: Darkness Rising Part 2

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Optimus: "Previously on Transformers Prime." Arcee: 'Cons are back. Cliff might be neck-deep in scrap." Energon depot explodes on Cliffjumper. Ratchet: "Cliffjumper's signal, just went offline."  Optimus: As of today, only we six autobots remain on this Earth." Arcee and Elita fighting the 'Cons. Raf: "W-What are they?" Jack: "Talking cars that turn in to robots. Or the other around." Elita: "Your safeties are why you need to come with us." Jack: "Why are you here?" Optimus: "To protect your planet from Megatron. But if his return is immanent, it could be catastrophic." Megatron: "I have returned."

We see the Decepticon warship, the Nemesis, descending down to a hole in a mountain. An elevator drops down from the ship into the hole, where we saw vehicons mining energon. Starscream: "Of the energon deposits we have located while you were away Lord Megatron, this one is by far the most significant. The drones have been mining without pause during your absence, and have amassed quite a stockpile. You there! Fetch me a sample!" "Starscream!" Starscream turns to see Megatron coming out of the shadows. "Now that I have returned, I will issue the commands." "I...understand, Lord Megatron." Starscream said trying to hide his annoyance and disappointment. He loved being in charge. "Then, as your humble servant, shall I ready the space bridge to bring forth the Decepticon army you have surely gathered during your three years in space."

"My army will come. But my time away has yielded a more, intriguing means of materializing them -- A solidified form of the matter the ancient texts refer to as the blood of Unicron." he says holding up a purple energon shard. Starscream: "Unicron the Destroyer. But it is said that his blood is the antispark." Megatron: "Plucked from Cosmic shores, gaze upon dark energon." Starscream: "Legend tells it has the power to...revive the dead." Megatron: "We require only a cadaver to be certain. Are you willing to make the ultimate the sacrifice." Starscream does a nervous chuckle at that before speaking. "That may not be necessary. If I may, Lord Megatron." he says pointing his hands at the elevator where two vehicons show up with the scrapped body of Cliffjumper. "Consider it, a "welcome home" present." Starscream says as Megatron does an evil, pleased smile at the sight.

We are now back at the Autobot base, where Optimus is still talking to the kids. Optimus: "And since you now know of our existence, I fear that, as of last night, the Decepticons know of yours." Jack: "Got it. If we spot any strange vehicles, call 911. Can we go now?" Miko wasn't happy to hear this at all. "Are you insane? I'm living a dream here in "bot"-swana. And I will not allow you or anyone else to shatter it!" she says in quiet anger. Optimus: "It is best that you four remain under our watch. At least, until we can determine our enemies' intentions." Ratchet: "Optimus, with all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere." Jack: "Children?" Ratchet: "They have no protective shell. If they get in underfoot, they will go...squish." Ratchet moves his foot a little forward which makes the four back up a bit. Elita: "We'll just have to watch where we step for the time being, Ratchet. I know you don't really care for humans, but at least try to get to know them better. Get used to them being around. They might surprise us." Ratchet: "*scoffs* I highly doubt that."

Before anymore words could be said, some alarm went off and green lights were blaring. "What's that?" Jack asked concerned. Bumblebee explains what it is, but no one but Raf and Nakala could understand him. "Proximity sensor. Someone's up top." Nakala said. "It's Agent Fowler." Ratchet said looking at the screen with Agent Fowler walking away from his helicopter to the another entrance of the base. Jack: "I-I thought we were the only humans that knew about you guys." Nakala: "It's the military. It would surprise me if they didn't know." Optimus: "Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world. As he tends to visit only when there are issues, it may be best if you do not meet him at this time." With that, the four ran under the stairs to hide. Elevator comes down and doors open to reveal an out of shape agent.

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