friendships /chp.6\

50 6 9

Tw: talks of death
/Kat's pov\

'wow this place is big' I thought while walking around

I was looking for people to talk to. If I'm stuck here and want to get out with them I need to get to know them

"Looking for something?" I turned around to see a woman with white hair

"Uh- just seeing who is around" I answered

"Ah, well my name is Sabrina" she says

"You're the fazbear mechanic that went missing" I pointed out

"Guess so" she said "though I am more dead than anything"

"Right" I looked her up and down

"I'm a walking corpse if it isn't obvious" she said laughing

"Oh, I've only seen Slep, Bryan and Ivy so I don't really know what's here" I say

"That's alright, it takes some getting used to" she says

"Yeah" I say

"Mh... I think I may know where Iris is but he isn't much if a talker" she says

"Is he shy?" I asked

"Oh- no, I mean kinda....he can't talk" she said

"What?" I asked

"Doesn't really have is vocal cords anymore" she says

"Oh...." I say

"Yeah, both him and Dylan can't talk but they can nod" she says "and Dylan knows sign language I believe, just kinda hard to use it due to not having full control"

"Okay" I say 'strange'

"Yeah but we can talk to...uh- Jake or King...or anyone really, there aren't too many of us" she said

"So talking to Iris or Dylan is more talking to yourself?" I asked

"Uh- yes, unless Dylan has good control with his body" said Sabrina

"Well, let's go find uh- king? I haven't really talked to them" I say

"Sure, just know their voice is a bit messed up" she says and starts walk

"O-okay?" I say and I follow behind


"Master" said one of the twins

"Yes sun?" Asked the master

"Word about Kat has gotten around" he says

"Indeed" said the other twin

"I see" sayd Master

"We believe Davis is trying to find her" sayd the twin

"They all try moon" says Master

"Why did you pick Kat?" Asked Sun

"The themepark was getting boring, now we can have fun" Master says "and picking her would get Davis seaching everywhere which is fun to watch"

"What now?" Asked Sun

"Just watch over everyone, tell me if anything happens" they said

"Yes sir" said the twins and walked to the platform

not a happy ending /tff au\ [rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now